forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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@emilyevewrites group

"Healing you, if you don't mind," Farah shot back, gently placing a hand on Anya's chest and one on her back. "Hold still."

Rosalind pelted at the barrier, and Eve gasped in pain holding it up until Ben bound Rosalind's wrists with vines.

@emilyevewrites group

"I did," Farah muttered. "While you two were off hunting down Rosalind. Hold still." She began to whispered under her breath, her fingers moving expertly around Anya's torso and pressing specifically at certain points.

Eve was trembling holding up her shield barrier, but she kept it steady.

@emilyevewrites group

Nearly there, Farah thought to herself, still muttering the charms under her breath. Suddenly, Farah cried out as the magic finished. She held her head in her hands and moaned softly.

"Farah?!" Saul cried.

Deleted user

anya felt the barriers complealy break, not feeling the heat anymore " eve, protect mom." he said and kissed her lovers forehead before helping ben and saul

@emilyevewrites group

Eve opened a crack in the barrier for Anya to slip through, and then she shrunk it around herself and Farah. It was easier to maintain a smaller barrier. Mother and daughter clung to each other desperately.

Rosalind broke free of Ben's vines and prepared to use her magic on the barrier again.

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anyas wings flaired bright, shooting bits of explosions and fire

@emilyevewrites group

"I need you to let the barrier down," Farah murmured into Eve's ear. "Don't worry. It will be alright."

Eve nodded.

"Now," Farah whispered.

"Farah!" Ben yelled right before Rosalind unleashed a flood of her magic. Farah stood and deflected the wave, stepping forward to face Rosalind herself.

@emilyevewrites group

Rosalind's eyes narrowed. "You can't defeat me, Farah."

"Maybe not," Farah acknowledged. "But I'm not trying to."

"Oh?" Rosalind questioned. Only someone who knew her as well as Farah did would've heard the barely worried undertone in her voice. But barely was enough.

"I'm only finishing what I started."

Deleted user

Anya's eyes sparked a crimson red as she walked the three of them in with fire

@emilyevewrites group

Rosalind did her best to deflect them all, but with Ben and Farah's magic also pressing in on her, she eventually resigned herself to defeat, glaring up at her former protégé.

Deleted user

Anya glared at her " remember when I said don't fuck with a family? This is why"

@emilyevewrites group

Rosalind didn't move, knowing she'd be easily overpowered if she did. She resigned to glaring at Farah. "You don't know how to teach them," she degraded. "You as headmistress is a joke to Alfea's standards."

Farah arched her eyebrows and laughed quietly. "You're the one who trained me, Rosalind," she reminded the woman, approaching her slowly with runic limiters in hand.

"They have no idea the things you've done." She looked to Ben, then Saul, then back to Farah. "All of you. All the horrible things–"

"Enough," Farah demanded, snapping the limiters on Rosalind's wrists.