forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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anya shook from rage, her eyes a burning red " no. no im not." she could only hope their ace was planning on helping

@emilyevewrites group

Suddenly, Eve felt Rosalind's magic wrap around her like tangling, choking vines. Her eyes widened, and she gasped as the air was taken from her lungs.

Give up your position to me.

"I will," Eve pleaded, sounding strained even though nothing visible was touching her.

@emilyevewrites group

Eve began to see dark spots at the edges of her vision, but at the last second, she felt the magic holding her release. She collapsed to the ground, coughing madly and trembling. "You can have Alfea," Eve relented, her voice sounding strangled.

Deleted user

" kept the family together " she mumbled " now kill the burned." she snarled

@emilyevewrites group


Eve sat up slowly, recovering from her strangling even though it still felt like something had a grip on her throat. She swallowed and winced.

After a few more seconds, a voice spoke. It's dead. You have no patience.

Deleted user

"thank you." she said and heaved a sigh. " im burning up.." she mumbled. smoke seeped from her mouth " its not burning you is it?"

@emilyevewrites group

"No, darling, it's not." Rosalind, fix her, Eve demanded.

Unfortunately, I can't. The curse can only be removed by someone other than the one who cast it. And Farah was so close…

@emilyevewrites group

Rosalind finally appeared in front of the girls, looking pristine and strict as usual. She had a wicked gleam in her eyes. "That magic is archaic. Primal and ancient. I seriously doubt either one of you could learn it."

"They don't have to."

Rosalind lifted her gaze from Anya and Eve, and her eyes widened at the sight. Eve whipped around quickly and saw them: Farah Dowling, Saul Silva, and Ben Harvey. Each of them had a determined look on their faces.

Farah, the one who had spoken, stepped forward. "If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. You cannot have my school."

Deleted user

anya coughed harshly, holing onto eve tightly " you will never win rosalind "

@emilyevewrites group

Rosalind narrowed her eyes. "I've fought you all once before. Who says I can't do it again?"

Farah lifted her chin in the air. "You're not as powerful as you think, and I'm more powerful than I was."

@emilyevewrites group

Farah nodded in agreement.

"I am the headmistress of Alfea!" Rosalind cried.

"You actually aren't," Saul quickly countered. "Eve was only acting headmistress, and with her giving the school back to the current headmistress, it means Farah is in charge again."

"No!" Rosalind snarled.

@emilyevewrites group

Rosalind narrowed her eyes at Anya. "You," she growled. "Your father made me promise never to hurt you. And now he's gone and turned his arse on me. So now I can do whatever I like with you."

Farah raised her chin. "Lay a finger on either of them, and you will feel Alfea's wrath."

Deleted user

anya started coughing again. " my father may a bad man but he " she coughed " he was a good father in the end "

@emilyevewrites group

Eve wrapped her arms around Anya protectively. "Mom," she said, looking at Farah with a knowing gaze.

Farah nodded as the pair communicated without words. She glanced between Saul and Ben and murmured, "Subdue her."

Instantly, the pair sprung into action and Farah hurried to Eve and Anya. "Eve, now," Farah commanded, and the girl put up a shield barrier around the three of them.