forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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Anya was in one of her casual dresses and black tights along with matching wedges

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“?” Anya tilted her head, giving her partner a confused look

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Afterwards, Anya was ready to get to the party “ this will be awesome!”

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“ mm that’s half the fun!” She said and walked in with eve. It wasn’t long before the two split, Anya talking to her old friends and smiling

@emilyevewrites group

Eve reluctantly let Anya go and approached the refreshments table to get a cup of punch.

“Hey!” a new voice called. “You’re Eve, aren’t you?”

Eve turned to see a girl with blonde hair, green eyes, and a spot of freckles around her nose looking at her.

“Um, yes,” she answered. “That’s me.”

“You’re so amazing! I was wondering if we could talk. Somewhere a little less loud for the moment.”

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Anya was talking with Evan, her smile bright. A difference from the last few days

@emilyevewrites group

Eve took a sip from her punch. "Uh, sure…" She glanced around to look around for Anya before the girl gripped her wrist and dragged her off.

"Come on!" she chirped excitedly.

Eve staggered forward after the girl. "Can't we talk here?" she asked, slightly intoxicated already.

"No!" the girl replied. "It's much too loud in there for me."

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Anya felt eves emotion slip away. She looked up and around but didn’t see eve “?” She stepped away to look for eve “. Eve?” She called

@emilyevewrites group

The girl pulled them into a closet-like room and used her magic to lock the door behind them.

"Where are we?" Eve demanded, suddenly wary of the girl. "Who are you?"

"I'm you." Her lips pulled into a smirk, and she reached up to touch Eve's temple. A burst of magic caused Eve's eyes to roll back into her head, and she collapsed.

The mysterious girl stood above her, slowly transforming into Eve's tall, lithe form. "Thank you," she murmured, looking down at Eve as she slept.

With that, she left the room, locked the door behind her, and returned to the party.

Deleted user

“ eve?!” Anya called again. She was scared and now worried

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Anya sighed and pulled the eve in for a soft kiss. “ where’d you go?”