forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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Deleted user

" why. whats wrong with farah and whats that to do with my magic."

@emilyevewrites group

"I don't know!" Farah replied. "You have to believe me, I have no idea what she's talking about. She's probably lying and manipulating, like she always does!"

Rosalind arched her eyebrows. "Really, Farah? That's how you see me?"

"Of course," Farah snapped back. "After…" She trailed off her thought, her face deadpanning. "No."

"Yes," Rosalind replied simply, looking at Anya. "See, she does know what I'm talking about."

@emilyevewrites group

"You destroyed a civilization?!" Eve asked at the same time Anya asked her question.

Farah blenched and looked away.

Rosalind smirked. "Eve, your mother nearly killed your girlfriend."

Eve's tone was cold. "What?"

"Anya, I saved you from Aster Dell."

Deleted user

" i had a normal mom. and a cruel but very normal father! they were born in the other world! your lying!"

@emilyevewrites group

Rosalind smirked. "And who do you think told your father to tell you that story?" Her eyes cut to Farah behind her prison veil.

"No!" Farah cried. "It wasn't me, it wasn't!"

Deleted user

anya looked at farah, tears welling behind her eyes. she was loosing control and thats when the bonds lifted, anyas blue fire races up her arms.

Deleted user

anya breathed harshly, " how.. how coud you!?" she said pointedly at farah

@emilyevewrites group

Farah's eyes held tears she refused to cry. "Anya… it wasn't on purpose! I didn't know it hadn't been evacuated!"

Eve touched Anya's shoulder gently. "Anya, it's my mother. She'd never hurt anyone on purpose."

Deleted user

anya looked over at eve, her flames dying down. " i… im a changeling.."