@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group
(I pretty much have to go to bed now oops)
(I pretty much have to go to bed now oops)
(Aha, all good, seeya tomorrow ^^)
Tanrial laughed a little with a small shake of her head, “Smart move. Why didn’t we think of that, Mike?” She raised an eyebrow at him and started down the stairs.
(whoops, meant to reply a lot sooner)
Mike followed reluctantly. "Well….thanks, Rick, good work, but….I didn't want to threaten them. They're not our real enemies here." He was silent for a minute as they descended. "I want to change the plan. If we collapse the place, we'll have to get these scientists and ordinary workers out too. We don't want their deaths on our hands. Do you think Jame's team could do it once they're done planting bombs? We could ask the rest of Thranion's men to help them if they needed it."
(brb, gotta eat and maybe run an errand)
(Off to bed, seeya ^^ )
Tanrial frowned a little but nodded slowly, "They might be able too. Although do you think the workers will even want to come with us? Yeah, it's better the dying but if they;re really loyal to him then…"
(Sorry, thought I'd have time today)
(all good ^^)
"We won't have time to explain the situation to them. I'd rather take them out forcefully than leave them here to die for a cause they don't understand." He paused again, his mind racing. "This place has got to have an intercom system. There's a chance, if we warned them what we're gonna do, they'd clear out on their own. We can ask James to round up what's left right before the detonations."
From further down the stairs, Rick checked his small hand-drawn map. "I don't see any intercom on my directions…."
Mike took out his radio again. "James and his guys will already have to go through this entire place to set up their bombs. I'll let them know to look out for a central comms room and tell them what to do. That gives the three of us time to really focus on our job. Sound good?"
Tanrial still didn’t look very convinced but nodded anyway, “Yeah. Sounds good Boss.”
"You don't have to call me that. I'm sorry, I'm getting obnoxious. But I really think we have to give it a try, don't you? We're not here for a massacre."
(brb, havin supper)
(you know, I kinda feel weird sometimes in that this is almost the only thing I'm on Notebook for. I don't have any other RPs–except for the one with you and Altogether-impossible-to-describe of course–and I really don't get involved in the general discussion threads either. I guess it's a testament to my introvert soul XD
I'm not sure where I'm trying to go with this lol, but I thought I'd say that I really value your friendship. And I may not start casual convos very often, but if you ever need someone to talk to, you can always count on me. I sure hope you're still getting something out of this rp, because personally, hanging out with ya has become one of my favorite parts of the day ^^
Okay I'm done now XDD I've been meaning to say that for a while. I gotta go to bed, so I'll seeya tomorrow)
"Now you're starting to sound like Bernon. Not that that is a bad thing, it's actually a good thing but yeah, I agree. Rather to save as many people as possible then let them all die, not matter what they've done."
(Awww, you just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I feel the same way only I'm a lot more active in threads compared to you but I value you're friendship too. And I'm sorry I've been so inactive recently, end of term is crazy with assignments, concerts, luncheons and sports day I haven't found time to be on but I love hangin' with you too :) See you tomorrow)
(It's no problem! ^^ I've been pretty busy lately as well, so it's kind of worked out XD )
"I agree," Rick added. "Makes me a little happier to do a free job for you guys, actually. Workin' for murderers ain't all that fun."
"Thanks," Mike said. "Feel free to take whatever valuables you find down here though, we can at least offer you that–"
He stopped suddenly, looking down the stairs at the landing, where it made a hairpin turn and continued out of sight. From around the corner came the distinct sound of approaching footsteps.
Tanrial tensed almost immediately, the footsteps drawing closer with every second. She brought a finger to her lips to indicate silence even though it was obvious they were going to get caught.
After a moment, two men that appeared to be workers from the production level came around the corner. When they saw Tanrial and the others they yelped and tried to escape back down the stairs, but Rick and Mike simultaneously dove forward and grabbed them. There was a brief struggle, then one of the men ducked away from Rick, tripped him, and made a run for Tanrial, his eyes wild.
"Look out!" Mike called, unable to do anything without letting go of the other man.
Tanrial didn't have much time to react, but when the guy was close enough she kicked him square in the stomach, sending him stumbling backwards a few steps. While he was regaining his balance, she kicked his legs out from under him, causing him to fall.
Rick instantly dove on the man and tied him up using the rope hooked to his belt. Then he took some duct tape and helped Mike take care of the other one. "Sorry 'bout that, Tanrial" he puffed. "Didn't mean to let 'im get away from me. You all right?"
Tanrial nodded, a little out of breath, "Yeah, I'm fine. He didn't even bother tryin' to fight back. What about you two?"
Mike stood up and rolled up his sleeve, examining a fresh scrape on his elbow. "Took a tumble there, but I'm fine. Rick?"
Rick shrugged. "All good here. So what do we do with these two?"
Mike glanced at the two workers flopped on the landing beside them. "Mm. Might as well just leave 'em. Somebody will come up here eventually, and if not we'll be coming back this way to come out, so it's not like they'll be stuck here when everything blows up."
Tanrial nodded, "Sounds good. Or we could get James and his men to come pick 'em up? If they come down this way or are in the area they could take them out so we don't have to?"
"Yeah, whatever works. I already told James to be on the lookout so he should find these two pretty easily." Mike turned and started down the stairs again. "Let's go, I think we're getting close."
"Why'd you even wanna keep your kids down here anyway?" Tanrial mumbled, following at a close pace, "It's just a little creepy…"
"No kiddin'," Rick said as they went. "Don't they ever get a chance to play outside n' get some fresh air?"
"The living quarters aren't quite like this," Mike said, "There are safety reasons these days, and I think Ryker was doing the best he could, but we all know he's raised them underground mostly so he can control them. As long as he can keep them uninformed about the world and the other people in it, they'll never question him."
Rick narrowed his eyes. "I wonder if this guy still thinks he's doing the right thing. Seems like a difficult lie to tell yourself when you've stooped to weaponizin' children."
"No one ever knows what's going on in these people's heads. They say they're doing it to 'better humanity' or whatever but couldn't just talking with people do that?" She shrugged, "I don't know, seems like something out of a movie."
(It was me that didn't have time tonight, sorry)
Rick frowned. "A movie? What's that?"
"We'll explain later," Mike said, coming to a halt on the next landing. "We're at the home level now. Careful, we don't know what's in there."
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