(Dropping in quickly before the next flight)
“Can’t you hear yourself? This is insane Jackie!” Tanrial sighed through her nose.
(Dropping in quickly before the next flight)
“Can’t you hear yourself? This is insane Jackie!” Tanrial sighed through her nose.
(Hope your flights are going well! I gotta go to bed, see you tomorrow! ^^)
Jackie narrowed her eyes. "Look. Eric and I may be on Dad's side, but unlike him, we don't kid ourselves about what we do. These days, you've got to beat down others if you want to get ahead, and we're fine with that. We're especially eager to beat down anyone who messes with our brothers and sisters, so maybe you should quit yapping and start running." She moved without warning, throwing the chair directly at Tanrial's head.
(Flights have been good, apart from being sick at least)
The chair missed Tanrial’s head by an inch or so, as she ducked right at the last minute to avoid collision. She threw her arm out, a small gust of wind stopping the chair from shattering into a million splinters.
(aww hugs )
The girl growled and looked like she was about to attack, but just then another chair came flying past, this one almost hitting Jackie instead of Tanrial.
Over the top of a cubicle came Rick, assault rifle in hand. "You're not the only one who can do that, sweetheart," he called, dropping to the ground between Tanrial and Jackie. "Wanna arm wrestle?"
Jackie snarled. "Call me sweetheart again and you won't have an arm to wrestle with, meathead!"
"I'll take that as a no. Tanrial, I think Mike's cornered somewhere by the exit. Mind givin' him a hand while I deal with Miss Chair-Juggler over here?"
(hugs back I really hate flying)
Tanrial nodded, “Thanks for that. Keep her distracted for as long as you can.” She said before leaping over a desk and hurrying off towards where she’d last seen Mike.
Mike was behind a barricade of tables and chairs, effectively pinned by Eric, who stood in the doorway taking shots at Mike's hiding place. When he saw Tanrial, he ducked behind a partition wall and fired off a couple shots at her instead.
Tanrial managed to dodge the first two but the third nicked her in the leg. She hissed in pain and ducked behind an up turned table, throwing up a weak shield over Mike before turning her attention back to Eric.
He reloaded without looking away from her. He seemed much calmer than Jackie, and didn't hesitate to level the weapon at her once more. His eyes were dark and cold.
"Tanrial," Mike called. He sounded like he was in pain. "There's something weird about this kid. Don't let your guard down!"
“I wasn’t gonna,” Tanrial called back, her eyes narrowed at Eric, “You okay? Did he hurt you?” She ducked bellow the desk again to avoid any more bullets.
(I’m so sorry, I literally passed out last night)
(oh no, I hope you're feeling a little better now!)
"I shot him in the left shoulder," Eric said before Mike could answer. "It's a shallow wound, but enough to keep him from using that arm until it heals. We can't exactly kill a pure-blood, can we?" He fired at Tanrial's position again, this time from a slightly different angle. "You, on the other hand, are not so invulnerable."
(Eh, not really but hopefully I will be soon)
The bullet missed by a centimetre of her arm, blasting through the wood of the desk as if it were paper, “Ryker really raised you well, didn’t he?” She lifted a near by chair up with her magic and hurled it at Eric.
Eric expertly dodged and started making his way around the room so he could see her. "You could say that. I've been with him for thirty years, after all."
"What?" Mike coughed. "You're fifteen."
Eric smiled thinly. "Sure looks that way, doesn't it?"
“I guess that’s some sort of… whatever science Ryker is using to create you all?” Tanrial slipped out from her hiding spot to try and find more cover quickly as possible.
Eric rapidly fired twice more before she got out of sight. "It's a long, complicated story, but basically I can regenerate my cells at will. Fifteen is a nice age, I think. Physically I'm at my best. And it makes people underestimate me much more often. Eh, Mike?"
Mike growled and got to his feet. "Tanrial, he's trying to bait us. You take one side, I'll take the other."
“Mike, you need to stay somewhere safe, I know you can handle yourself but your only going to make your injury a lot worse,” Tanrial said over her shoulder, ignoring her own pain in her leg.
Just distract him while I get between him and Ryker, Mike mentally transmitted, grimly making his way along the wall towards the office. I won't move after that, I promise.
You better not. Tanrial replied, moving for some more cover, “Hey Eirc!” She called out, “Is being an asshole something you got from Ryker, or were you always like that?”
Eric laughed. "Thanks for revealing your position. Sorry, but you'll have to try harder than that to make me mad."
He started forward, but a sudden cry of pain from the far side of the room made him halt. "Jackie?" he called sharply. "You okay?"
No reply. Then Rick came into view around the corner, looking fairly beat up and dragging Jackie by the shoulder of her vest. She seemed to be unconscious, and a bit of blood was oozing from her temple.
"How 'bout this?" Rick asked Eric. "Does this make you mad, son?"
Eric stared at Jackie for a second, then curled his hands into fists. "Put her down," he said quietly. "Right now."
"Make me." Rick backed away, giving Tanrial a subtle yet meaningful glance as Eric turned his back on her.
Tanrial gave him a small nod, quickly and quietly drawing closer towards Eric. While he was distracted -and when she was close enough- she snatched away his weapon and backed away quickly before spear like pieces of air were point straight at him, towards his neck, legs and chest.
(may not be on much tonight)
Eric stopped moving and glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. "What will these do to me if they touch me?"
(It’s fine, I should be sleeping anyways)
Tanrial shrugged, “No idea. Never tested this out before. Could be death, could be a lot of pain or paralysis, who knows. Wanna test it?”
He shrugged. "Probably no worse than what you've already put my family through. Maybe I should test just how fast my wounds can heal."
"Rick," Mike said quietly. "Tie Jackie up and put her with Ryker, out of harm's way. Tanrial, hold him as long as you can. The kids should be up here soon." He glanced at her. "We're taking these three too, by the way, even if we have to knock them all out to do it."
Tanrial frowned, “You sure that’s a good idea? Taking Ryker, yes but these two… I don’t know, they seem too dangerous but then again, what else would we do with them.” She sighed.
"I agree," Rick said. "They're just people, like us. And we can still make sure they leave us alone once this is all over."
Eric and Mike stared at each other silently for a while. Then, Eric spoke. "What's your last name?"
Mike's expression became guarded. "Why?"
"Was it Drafter?"
Now Mike's eyes narrowed. "How do you know that name?"
"Well," Eric said. "I knew your grandfather. We didn't get along any more than you and I do."
Mike stiffened, his hand finding the doorframe. After a second he looked away. "I'm not interested. Tanrial, can you do something about him? We need to make a plan without having to worry about his interference."
Tanrial scratched her head with her free hand, “I mean… yes?” It sounded more like a question but one of the shard of air softened and slid into Eric’s ears to muffle noise, “Anyone wanna gag him? That’s the best I can do without harming him.”
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