forum crash landing (one on one//closed)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

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Liam laughed, “That I don’t have, sorry.” He said, kissing Cyprus on the cheek and walking into his room.
A telescope sat by the window, along with a desk littered with papers and books of all sorts. A double bed sat against a wall, and on that wall were posters for movies and tv shows like Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Marvel and so on.


Cyprus looked around, smiling as he did so. "Your room is wonderful, Liam," he said as he wandered around. He looked at the telescope curiously before turning to look at the posters


Cyprus clambered onto the bed after him, though he laid on his back beside him as well. He rested his hands on his chest, turning to smile at Liam as he did so


"It's fine. We can always do something some other time. Maybe I can even convince the others to leave the ship for a day so you can come visit where I live," Cyprus suggested with a shrug


Cyprus hummed in agreement. "It feels…nice since I hurt there a lot," he tried to explain, his voice a tad muffled from the way his face was pressed into the crook of Liam's neck


Liam smirked, “I will, but you might moan a little.” He purred, biting Cyrpus’s lip and his hand drifting towards the hem of the others pants.