“Great.” He murmured, before kissing him for a few moments before pulling back and heading to the counter, “Any requests?” He called over his shoulder
“Great.” He murmured, before kissing him for a few moments before pulling back and heading to the counter, “Any requests?” He called over his shoulder
“Um…I don’t normally eat this sort of food. Maybe just pick for me?” Cyprus said as he followed him over
“Okay,” Liam said, walking up to the counter and ordering a bowl of hot chips to share, “Let’s start with that and if you’re still hungry and actually like the food then we can order something else.”
Cyprus nodded as he tailed Liam. “Jay sometimes buys nachos,” he said, struggling a bit to pronounce “nachos”
“Nachos are good.” Liam said, taking a seat in a booth
(I’ve gtg for a bit, be back soon)
(it's all good, I just got back for p much the rest of the night lol)
Cyprus sat down across from him, smiling as he did so. "I've never gotten to try any of these new foods. I mean sure, I get to sit back and watch Jay do things like this, but no one ever thinks of me," he said. If he was being honest, he was just grateful that Liam liked him. But now that they were dating? Well, that was a whole new level of happy
“Well, now you do get to try them.” He replied, returning the smile Cyprus had given him. Liam propped his elbows up onto the table and rested his head on one hand.
Cyprus smiled at that. He folded his arms on the tabletop, letting his chin rest on top of his arms. "You're cute when you do that," he said with a soft smile
Liam frowned a little, “Do what?” He asked, slightly confused to what Cyprus meant.
"The head-in-hand thing," Cyprus said, pointing at the way Liam had his head propped up
“Oh, really?” Liam smiled, he didn’t even notice it was just an instant reaction, one of his little quirks he didn’t know he had.
"Yep," Cyprus answered with a small smile. "I mean, just about everything you do is adorable, but that's really adorable."
“I-I don’t s-see how though.” He stammered, looking down at the table.
"Well, you really should try looking in the mirror sometime. Maybe then you'll see just how cute you are," Cyprus said, his smile shifting to something more affectionate
Liam smiled at that, “T-thank you.” He looked up at Cyrpus with a loved filled gazed.
(sorry for being so on and off, I keep falling asleep lmao)
Cyprus smiled lovingly at Liam. "You're welcome, my love," he hummed before leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to Liam's nose
Before Liam could say anything back, the food arrived, “Thanks.” Liam said to the guy who brought them and started eating
Cyprus thanked the person who brought them food before digging in. He grabbed a chip cautiously before taking a small bite. Though his eyes widened once he ate one. "This is…good," he eventually said
“One of the best floods in my opinion.” Liam said, taking another few
Cyprus nodded before reaching for more nachos hungrily. He ate several of them before nearly burning his mouth on them. "Hh, it's hot. Did we get anything to drink?" he asked around a few chips
“I’ll go get some water.” Liam said, standing and heading to get to glasses water. He came back shortly after with the water and set one down in front of Cyprus before sitting back down.
"Thanks," Cyprus said quickly before chugging half the glass. He let out a sigh of relief, followed by a short laugh. He reached for a chip, blowing on it first before eating it
“If you’d done that first your mouth wouldn’t have been on fire a second ago.” Liam said, picking up some more chips.
"I didn't expect them to be that hot," Cyprus countered with a small pout
Liam rolled his eyes playfully, “Well, you’ll know for next time then.”
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