forum crash landing (one on one//closed)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

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“Well, this also means I get to pick the next date. You never know, I might take us to a scary cave or the likes,” Cyprus teased


Cyrpus nearly had his face pressed to the glass he was so concentrated. He had his tongue sticking out in focus, which looked sort of dorky


Cyprus shushed him as he continued to furiously press buttons. Eventually he lost his last life, though he had gotten a relatively high score


"Thanks," Cyprus said, blushing a bit from the compliment as he ran a hand through his hair absently. "I guess I just have a knack for pinball."


Cyprus giggled a little at the kiss. "I suppose I do. Some more than others, apparently," he said as he returned the kiss with a quick peck to Liam's nose


Liam chuckled, “That is true.” He took Cyprus’s hands in his and stepped forward, leaning down so he could speak into his ear, “I know one thing you are particularly good at…” He said, before nipping at the others earlobe.


Cyprus tensed up a little bit, his face going red as he shivered. "And what would that be?" he asked, trying and failing to keep the wobble from his voice


"I get your point," Cyprus mumbled, his cheeks feeling flushed as Liam bit his lip. "You're not too bad yourself," he eventually added