Liam’s hands were now on the others arse, and he gave it a little squeeze before picking him up, wrapping Cyrpus’s legs around his waist and pushing him up against the wall, not breaking the kiss.
Liam’s hands were now on the others arse, and he gave it a little squeeze before picking him up, wrapping Cyrpus’s legs around his waist and pushing him up against the wall, not breaking the kiss.
Cyprus made a small squeak of surprise as he was pressed against the wall, but he definitely wasn't complaining. He wrapped his legs a bit tighter around Liam's waist, trying to make sure he didn't fall
Liam placed his hands underneath Cyrpus and kissed down the others jawline before kissing to his neck then back to the lips.
Cyprus had tipped his head back a tad when Liam kissed at his neck, though he was quickly smirking against his lips. "How late would you be if we had a quickie before you left?"
“Very. And I just got dressed.” He replied, pulling back so he could look at Cyprus, “I’m currently running late so I should get going.” He added, gently placing Cyrpus on the ground.
Cyprus pouted at Liam, giving him his best puppy-dog eyes. "Are you sure you have to go?" he complained
“Yes, and stop being cute.” He said, giving Cyprus a kiss before walking out of the room and grabbing an apple, “I’ll see you later!” He called before grabbing his bag and leaving.
"Bye," Cyprus called, smiling a little as he watched him go. He flopped back on Liam's bed, yawning as he did so. Maybe he could just spend the rest of the day asleep
(Time skip)
Liam came back later that night, his roommates with him also, some argument going on about what was the superior food.
“Burgers.” Max said.
“No way, pizza is the best.” Liam countered.
“You’re both wrong, tacos rule.” Coby said, crossing his arms.
Cyprus had ended up staying at Liam's after all. He had been holed up in his room, not wanting to leave and risk being questioned by Liam's roommates. He had managed to renew the disguise spell so it wouldn't fade while Liam was gone, so his only worry had been whether or not Liam would get home before long
“Alright alight. Let’s just settle on burritos and be done with it.” Corey said.
“Fine,” Liam said laughing and went to see Cyrpus, “I’m back.” He said as he entered the room.
"Hey, hot stuff," Cyprus hummed, smiling as he set the spellbook he was reading aside and used a quick spell to teleport it to the ship
“Wanna come meet the others or not?” He asked leaning against the door frame and crossing his arms.
"Well, I guess the whole 'meet the boyfriend' scenario was going to happen eventually," Cyprus said with a shrug
“Cool, come on.” Liam smiled and led Cyprus into the living room where the there’s were still arguing, “Everyone, this is Cyrpus, my boyfriend. And Cyrpus these are the guys. Matt,” A red headed guy waved,
“Max,” A blonde haired guy with a small bearded smiled,
“Coby,” A black haired boy with blue eyes winked,
“Corey,” Another guy with blonde hair that was cut to his shoulders gave a two fingered salute,
“and Zac.” A guy with brown hair smiled and said, “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Cyprus gave a small wave, retreating a little sheepishly into the hood of his sweatshirt. "Hello, everyone," he said, his voice a tad quieter than normal
“You caught a cute one Liam, hurt him and I’ll hurt you.” Max said, smirking.
“I wouldn’t- forget it.” Liam replied shaking his head.
Cyprus blushed a bit at Max's words. "I appreciate the concern," he eventually said as he rubbed at the back of his neck
“Well, any friend or more then a friend of Liam’s is welcomed here.” Matt said.
Cyprus nodded, smiling a little when he did. "Good to know," he eventually said, his cheeks flushing a tad more
“Now, if you’re all done embarrassing me would someone like to order some pizza or something?” Liam asked.
“Sure thing, you do eat pizza, don’t you Cy?” Max asked picking up the phone.
Cyprus nodded. He had actually had pizza before, so he wouldn't sound like a complete idiot if he asked for food or something
“Great! Any preferences?”
"Barbeque bacon is good," Cyprus said, scooting a bit closer to Liam subconsciously as he spoke. "But I'll eat just about any sort of pizza, as long as it's not vegan," he said with a small laugh
“Yes! We have a barbecue fan!” Coby said, “I have a feeling we are going to be great friends.”
Liam rolled his eyes, “Alright, let’s get one of them and whatever you guys want.”
Max nodded and placed the order.
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