forum crash landing (one on one//closed)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

people_alt 2 followers


Cyprus nodded, resisting the urge to down his pizza all at once. It was really good, but eventually he ended up eating all his pizza in a minute or two


Liam finished his pizza pretty quickly and set the plate on the floor before leaning back on the bed, “I’m glad we ordered pizza.” He muttered.


Cyprus snickered, almost having to break away from the kiss before returning to kissing him. He wrapped his arms loosely around the other's neck


"Well, you don't hear me making those kinds of noises five seconds into the kiss," Cyprus said teasingly. He broke away from the kiss, only to start making exaggerated-sounding, fake moans


Cyprus' eyes widened a tad when Liam put his hand over his mouth. He pouted behind it, giving him his puppy dog eyes while he grinned


Cyprus blinked owlishly once Liam removed his hand, but he was quickly smirking deviously. "What makes me cuter, hm? The noises, or the looks?"


"Well, we could always make some real noises," Cyprus purred in a flirty tone. He leaned forward so that he was still hovering over Liam