forum crash landing (one on one//closed)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

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Cyprus yawned for a long moment, still not feeling like moving just yet. He was a little more tired than usual, probably from the amount of energy it was taking to maintain his disguise


Liam couldn’t be too bothered dressing well, so all he did was put on a pair of track pants, not bothering with a shirt, before climbing back onto the bed next to Cyprus.


"Guess I should put something on," Cyprus mumbled. He opened his eyes, his vision a bit blurry from sleep. He reached for his boxers and hoodie, tugging them on before zipping his hoodie up


Cyprus smiled widely. He shifted a bit, but in the process he accidentally twisted onto the bad side of his waist. He made a small noise of pain, and he quickly readjusted so he wasn't hurting