“Sorry…” Liam mumbled, moving into a more comfortable position for them both so that he wasn’t hurting Cyrpus.
“Sorry…” Liam mumbled, moving into a more comfortable position for them both so that he wasn’t hurting Cyrpus.
"M' okay," Cyprus mumbled, his words barely audible. He felt like he could sleep for years, especially with Liam
Now the Liam was awake, he couldn’t go back to sleep. He stayed with Cyrpus in his embrace but he wasn’t sleeping.
Cyprus yawned for a long moment, still not feeling like moving just yet. He was a little more tired than usual, probably from the amount of energy it was taking to maintain his disguise
Liam smiled a little and closed his eyes for a few moments before peeling himself away from Cyrpus and standing up
Cyprus whined as Liam moved away. "Come back," he complained, his voice a muffled whine
Liam stretched out his back, “I need to get dressed.” He said, smiling over his shoulder at Cyprus.
"But why?" Cyprus whined. "You don't have to leave again, do you?" he asked with a small pout
“No, I don’t but I want to get dressed.” He replied, sticking his tongue out and walking over to his wardrobe.
Cyprus cracked an eye open, and he stuck his tongue out at Liam before holding a pillow to his chest
Liam couldn’t be too bothered dressing well, so all he did was put on a pair of track pants, not bothering with a shirt, before climbing back onto the bed next to Cyprus.
"Guess I should put something on," Cyprus mumbled. He opened his eyes, his vision a bit blurry from sleep. He reached for his boxers and hoodie, tugging them on before zipping his hoodie up
Liam smiled a little and pulled Cyrpus closer, placing a kiss on his forehead as he did so.
Cyprus smiled warmly at the kiss. He wrapped himself around Liam, smiling as he let his eyes fall shut again
“I’m not going to get anything done today, am I?” He said jokingly, resting his head on top of Cyrpus’s.
"The only thing you should be doing today is me," Cyprus chuckled before nuzzling into Liam's neck
Liam laughed, “I still have a few things I have to do today, luckily I can do them from home.”
"That's good," Cyprus mumbled. He cuddled further into Liam's neck, liking being so close to him
“Yeah, it is.” He replied, closing his eyes and breathing in Cyprus’s scent as the other cuddled closer to him.
Cyprus exhaled slowly, smiling as he did so. "I like when you cuddle me like this," he mumbled
“Really? I’m glad.” He said, the smile in his voice prominent.
Cyprus smiled widely. He shifted a bit, but in the process he accidentally twisted onto the bad side of his waist. He made a small noise of pain, and he quickly readjusted so he wasn't hurting
“What’s wrong?” Liam asked concerned as he pulled away a little so he could see Cyprus’s face
"Just…my side hurts sometimes if I roll on it wrong. It's worse in the mornings," Cyprus admitted a bit sheepishly
“Oh, that sucks, I’m sorry.” He said, placing a small kiss on the others cheek
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