Cyprus laid like that for a moment, doing his best to ignore his own mind as he thought to Liam. He was so nice to him. Jay couldn't get mad at him for dating Liam, could he?
Cyprus laid like that for a moment, doing his best to ignore his own mind as he thought to Liam. He was so nice to him. Jay couldn't get mad at him for dating Liam, could he?
“When’s Jay coming?” Liam mumbled, cracking one eye open so he could look at Cyprus.
"He said he'd text when he was on his way. So probably in an hour or so," Cyprus answered, his voice slightly muffled from the way he was pressed against Liam
Liam nodded, “Okay, cool.” That was all he could think to say on the matter currently. He tried to keep his mind away from it until he needed too.
(should we just skip to when Jay shows up?)
(Sure thing)
Cyprus had eventually got up and put some actual clothes on, settling on just a t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. Jay had texted, telling him he would be there in ten
“Jay coming now?” Liam asked, standing up and making himself look slightly more presentable.
"Said he'll be here in ten," Cyprus said before flopping back against the bed. He finger-combed his hair, not even bothering with brushing it properly
“Okay, I believe all the others are out so it will just be us three.” Liam called as he waked out of the room and did a quick clean of the apartment and made sure his friends were out.
"Got it," Cyprus said, lying there for a moment longer before sitting up. He rubbed at his eyes before walking into the living room, yawning as he did so
“Want anything to drink while I’m making tea?” Liam asked, boiling the kettle and grabbing a mug down from the cupboard.
"Tea would be lovely," Cyprus answered, smiling softly as he walked into the kitchen. He hopped up on one of the counters, resting his chin in the palm of one hand as he watched Liam
“Coming right up.” He replied, humming a Panic! At the Disco song as he made the tea for both of them, pouring the now boiling water into the mugs and walking to the fridge to take the milk out.
Cyprus smiled at Liam's humming, finding it sort of adorable. He swung his feet idly, occasionally trying and failing to hum along to the song that Liam was humming
Liam finished the tea and handed Cyprus his before putting the milk back int he fridge and taking his own mug in his hands and stopped humming so he could take a sip.
Cyprus thanked him before taking his mug, blowing on it before taking a sip. It was warm compared to his usually cold skin, and before long he found himself pressing the mug to his cheek since it was so warm
Liam’s eyes sparkled with amusement and love as he watched Cyprus. And his lips were stuck in a smile as he took another sip of his tea, “You’re so cute.” He mumbled befre taking a big gulp of the tea.
Cyprus stuck his tongue out playfully at Liam, which only served to make him look cuter. He kept the mug pressed to his cheek before taking a sip, enjoying how the liquid warmed his body
“Again, proving my point.” Liam winked and his eyes shone brighter then before as he continued to drink the contents in his mug.
"Of course I had to be the cute one," Cyprus said, pretending to be annoyed even though a small smile was quirking at the corner of his lips. "Well, if I'm the cute one, what does that make you?"
Liam thought for a moment, “The devilishly handsome one.” He replied, smirking as he finished the tea.
"But you're around my level of hotness," Cyprus said, now squinting a bit in thought. "No, I think you're the cute one too. We're both cute."
“Nah, I’m way hotter then you.” He teased, placing the mug in the sink and leaning against the counter top.
"Sure," Cyprus drawled. He continued to sip his tea slowly, not wanting to have to put it down yet since it was warm
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