forum "Bloodstained Gold" (Pirate Group RP) {Closed}
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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@ScotchTapeWorm group

(I like him a lot :D Unless anyone wants to take a crack at being Captain, I can start working on making them. Any preferences, to mesh better with characters anyone?)

Deleted user

(may i join as well? its fine if not i see youve got some people haha)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

(may i join as well? its fine if not i see youve got some people haha)

(Honestly? The more the merrier, I still need to actually make a Captain so take your time with whatever character(s) you want!)

Deleted user

Name: Inez
Job: Chef
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian

Looks: (picture or description) physically strong, 5'2, sepia-toned skin, wavy black hair w/ blonde streak (dyed blonde haha) (down to shoulderblades), amber eyes, freckles, dark red jacket with faux fur around collar, a beige t shirt, black jeans and black boots. (wow sorry that was long haha)

Likes: swords, cooking, kids, winning, war (THE CARD GAME), gambling

Dislikes: losing, the law, winter/the cold, having to buy things, money

Hobbies: Sword-fighting, cooking, dancing, messing with people

Backstory: Aria was a vagrant on the streets her entire life, though never disliked it. She often snuck into taverns underage, but never drank; she didn't want a reason to be arrested. Maybe once or twice, though. Living on the streets and without money she became a bit of a kleptomaniac with a sincere dislike for money. She stole ingredients from markets and found ways to make her own food, so she never stole from restaurants out of respect. Seeking adventure, Aria decided to become a pirate.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

Name: Captain Axel Silver-Tongue
Job: The Captain, and will be referred to as such, unless you prefer walking on eggshells.
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Looks: (picture or description) The Captain is a tall man, cresting just above six feet, with broad shoulders and black hair with light curls. Light violet eyes, and a sly, dangerous grin, this is a visually impressive man. Sharp cheekbones and a hint of stubble growing in around the sides, but no apparent facial hair. His hair often is pulled into a loose ponytail behind himself, or if he's really feeling it a man-bun. He's tanned, but not enough to be of a darker complexion. His clothes are a show-piece, the black boots and sturdy pants, a white shirt with ruffles. A hat with a feather large enough to question what kind of bird it came from. As well as a jacket with gold embroidery and trim, with the fun pirate buttons for flare. The Captain isn't fully human, on his fathers side he's descended from Sefksins, people with many characteristics of snakes. So he has patches of scales running up his neck, back, and some on his arms. They are surprisingly soft to the touch and a dark green color. His eyes are glassy and his tongue is sharper in more ways than one.

Likes: Fire, gold, guns, intelligent conversations and a good wind.

Dislikes: Drowning, bubbles, and being stuck in one place.

Hobbies: Pirating, reading, terrifying locals.

Backstory: Axel didn't grow up a street urchin or a noble brat, he was pretty solidly in the lower class. He has two older brothers who went with the terrestrial army as their careers of choice, but Axel decided he wanted to be in the navy. Starting low, he climbed the military ranks on his ship, formerly called Every's Mast. The country they worked for was shady with how they payed wages and it didn't take long for Axel to convince the others that they were discontent with their treatment. They overthrew the Captain in a coup and worked their way towards a port town, where the newly dubbed Fancy was better equipped and any former crew was unceremoniously dispatched or left in the town. The new Captain decided piracy was entirely more profitable and picked up any crew he could that were willing to do less than legal sailing. Axel Silver-Tongue isn't exactly wholly sane, he's a thrill-seeker who isn't afraid of death. He's cunning, crafting, and always down for a good time.

Additional Information: He owns a pair of twin flintlocks as well as the usual saber. He's named them Greed and Avarice.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

The wind blew gently through the little port town, many people had bells or wind chimes outside of their doors or hanging off veranda's to warn of the incoming wind. It filled the city with the gentle sound of music, a tiding of what was to come. The locals called it "Pirate Season", when the wind was favorable enough to get easily to this little cove. The people depended on it, having a city amenable to pirates was much easier than constantly trying to fight them off, and besides, you could make good coin if you knew what you were doing.

Heralded by the welcoming bells and whistles, a new ship slowly docks herself into the port, one with tall white sails and an impressive size. The Deceit, a common sight for those who looked for it, maybe a little bit more battered than before for anyone who had seen it, but still a grand vessel. Currently the Captain of this ship was standing on some railing, teetering dangerously near the edge, just centimeters from tumbling into the treacherous waters below. Captain Silver-Tongue was grinning like a mad-man, yelling at the crew running along the deck to hurry up, they needed to unload any cargo by nightfall if they wanted to catch the next eastward wind in a reasonable amount of time. Light violet eyes glinted in the sunlight and the Captain tasted the air curiously, I need to check the town… Someone else will handle supplies, but we're running low on warm bodies.

The scratches on the side of The Deceit were from the last battle they'd had, not with a merchants vessel, Gods no, they were far too timid to put up a fight, surrender was far more favorable for them. They'd ran into some privateers and had had a nasty little scuffle, consequently they needed to restock their crew, it was damn hard to keep the same people for more than a few weeks. The Captain sighed, hopping off the railing, running his hand along some of the rigging, doing his best to be a general nuisance for the poor crew just trying to get the ship in order. Axel snapped his fingers at a boy, pointing at the others unloading.

"Boy! Get a gangplank, we're goin' ashore boys!" The Captain grinned, making sure he had a pouch of gold to.. Incentivize any potential new hires. The sound of bells once again made the wind heard, and anyone hearing couldn't help but think it was a favorable wind.