forum True Lab of His True Intention (O/O) (Rated M)
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Deleted user

“Nah,” The man said nonchalantly. “Lies are a funny thing, you know? Now come on, you’ll get lost again. Keep me in your sights. No matter how much you don’t want to.”

Deleted user

And she truly didn't want to. What she wanted was to flip him the birdy and be on her way but that would have to wait. Seething in anger, she followed behind him, her eyes burning holes through his chest.

Deleted user

The scientist kept on his confident smile. Soon, perhaps in just a couple minutes, they arrived at his room. It was better lit and neater than the rest of the home and lab. One corner was his desk, littered with paper and wrappings to food, and his bed, which was strewn about.
“Here we are,” He hummed grabbing a large blueprint from off of his desk.

Deleted user

Sage furrowed her brow and remained by the door. She'd had enough of this man and his smiling. She just wanted to leave.

Deleted user

The scientist settled on his desk chair, yawning. “So I can’t let you keep it, so you’ll have to write the directions down somewhere.”

Deleted user

Sage deflated a bit. "Oh." she grumbled, stepping closer to inspect the blueprint. She lifted her phone. "I can just take a picture."

Deleted user

The scientist glanced up at her. “Nah. You’ll have to write it down. How do I know you won’t delete it?”

Deleted user

"Because getting out of here is my top priority and deleting a picture that I'm using to guide me out would defeat my whole purpose, therefore I would not do it," Sage picked her nail. "Besides, how do you know I won't lose the paper I write it on or something?"

Deleted user

“Just put it on the notes section in your phone,” The scientist lazily instructed. “With no context. And I want you to delete it once you get out.”

Deleted user

Sage rolled her eyes but did as she was told. She wasn't silent until she finished. "Whelp, there we go. I wish I could say it was nice .meeting you…..but it wasn't. " she turned to the door.

Deleted user

The scientist rolled his eyes. “I could say the same. You put a nasty dent into my schedule. This is why I put the sign up, you know!” He called after her, shaking his head.

Deleted user

"Haha…." Sage laughed, mimicking him. "Well, signs are a funny thing, you know?" And with that, she left his room. She kept her eyes flickering from the map to the space before her.

Deleted user

((Yeah but why would she come back? Him….her phone dies before she can make it all the way? Its dark out and she can't travel until morning, that gives him one night to make her a prisoner. XD id k))

Deleted user

((Great! He can come into the hallway and see her against the same wall from earlier.))

Deleted user


Slumped against the wall, the same location she was at before, Sage let the darkness around her taunt her as she cried. Again. Her phone lay cracked at her feet, blood trickling from the fingers of her right hand. Her smashing her phone into the wall was the result of her anger, her saddening rage because…. The stupid thing had died before she could fully escape. She didn't know how close or how far she was to the steps but she knew one thing.

She was done trying.

Deleted user

The scientist had waited until she was done exiting his lab to continue feeding. He followed near the same path she did, only to hear faint crying as he approached a hall. He furrowed his brow and walked closer, squinting.
“What are you doing here? I thought you haad left.”

Deleted user

When she heard his voice, Sage cried harder. She gestured to the broken and shattered phone at her feet, blubbering about how it died before she could make it out.

Deleted user

The scientist bent down to gently pick up the phone. He ran deft fingers over it, feeling the damage. He pocketed it and gently took her bleeding hand.
“Come. Let me get something to patch this up for you.”

Deleted user

Sage had no fire left. She stood and let him lead her, wiping her tears as they went. She just wanted to go home. She was tired of the darkness.