forum Ibig Coffee (Shipping RP) (K never mind, closed now//Stalkers can like ... stalk and stuff)
Started by @Moxie group

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Olivia watched Carolyn work from a booth, working on a school assignment so she could get ahead in classes. She was so far the top scoring student in her class and was thinking of switching to general surgery in the hospitals that had already sent out letters

@Moxie group

Oliver finished with the customer he was with, made her drink, then went to find Bren, who was in the kitchen on his break. “Hey,” he said, his hands in his pockets. “Wanna go grab lunch?”

@EmptyNebula group

"Next!" Carolyn called, a satisfied grin on her face. "Oh hey Adrian," she said.

"Hey, you already know my regular Carolyn but could you add a chocolate muffin on it too?" He said, stuffing old receipts back into his pocket and getting out the exact amount for his drink.


"But alas, I must go now. It's time for my break!" He said glancing at the clock, he was wondering if Oliver wanted to go grab lunch with him.

Piper laughed. "thanks Bren. have a nice lunch. ill probably be here when you get back." she took her latte over to a corner booth and relaxed out on the bench.

@Moxie group

"Next!" Carolyn called, a satisfied grin on her face. "Oh hey Adrian," she said.

"Hey, you already know my regular Carolyn but could you add a chocolate muffin on it too?" He said, stuffing old receipts back into his pocket and getting out the exact amount for his drink.

"Yup, totally," she said. "You want me to heat it up for you?" she asked, going to grab it. "And how've you been?"

@Moxie group

(i'll be like on and off, maybe?)

(okay, don't worry about it. I'll have Carolyn keep you in the back of her mind when thinking of the ships she wants)

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Oliver finished with the customer he was with, made her drink, then went to find Bren, who was in the kitchen on his break. “Hey,” he said, his hands in his pockets. “Wanna go grab lunch?”

Bren looked up from his phone where he was reading a cake decorating book. "Sure, Where you wanna go?" He asked, grabbing his bag and standing up.

@Moxie group

Oliver finished with the customer he was with, made her drink, then went to find Bren, who was in the kitchen on his break. “Hey,” he said, his hands in his pockets. “Wanna go grab lunch?”

Bren looked up from his phone where he was reading a cake decorating book. "Sure, Where you wanna go?" He asked, grabbing his bag and standing up.

"Maybe that new place on 8th?" he asked, fiddling with a braided bracelet on his wrist. "My treat."

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Bren smiled and latched his arm around Olivers. "Sure! Let's go!" He said excitedly. "I heard they have these fancy cupcakes! I want to try one!" He rambled happily.

@Moxie group

"Yeah, let's do it," Oliver said, grinning ridiculously at Bren's smile. "But let's go out the back," he said walking towards the door that led to the alley. "I don't want Carolyn to see us."

(Carolyn is very prone to teasing and Oliver doesn't want that in front of customers)

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"Are you afraid she's going to tease ya?" Bren asked in a teasing voice, he knew Carolyn teased Oliver and Bren wasn't much better.

@Moxie group

Oliver rolled his eyes jokingly. "Yes. I don't want to get . . . flustered in front of the customers. And I don't need it from you either," he said, opening the back door for Bren.

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Bren smiled his signature goofy smile and walked through the door. "You're adorable." He said, pulling Oliver out the door like an excited puppy.

@Moxie group

"I know," he said, allowing himself to be pulled out the door and into the alley. "Hey hold on a sec," he said, then leaned against the alley wall and pulled Bren in for a kiss. "I like those pants," he said queitly, his face hot.

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"And I like you," Bren said booping Olvers nose because Bren's aromantic writer has no clue what to do.

@Moxie group

(sorry, I'm waiting on the customer Carolyn's cause I don't want to skip over them completely with but after that, she's all yours)