SirPickens - gets dragged into the woods by a bear
SirPickens - gets dragged into the woods by a bear
Kilándrè: curses under her breath
Jimbliah - knocks on door
Jimbliah - Lemme in! I'ts cold and there's bears out here!
Midnight: The frick is happening?
Jimbliah - Is there an edgelord in there? Oh heck no dawg
Soáki: under his breath "Can I please kill them?"
Kilandrè: Sure
Nmere: "Soáki-" Soáki: "Shut up."
Aquaramis: Not if I get him first!
Midnight: You killed the last one! Let me have a turn!
Nmere: "I advise getting to this queen person as soon as possible before we get charged with unlawful death."
Kilandrè: They….are not of this world
Midnight: No kidding. Now can we kill him?
Krystal: Gosh, everyone is blood thirsty here…
The'ra: Trust me, Krystal, if it wasn't for the Adventurer Code, I would have shot them in the face by now.
Arandor: He's mad
Soáki: ''It's been a day."
Kilandrè: …What?
Nmere: "Who are you shooting in the face exactly?"
The'ra: The freaking, annoying punk that every one wants to kill!
Nmere: "Which one, Soáki?"
Kilandrè: The mad man outside
Jimbliah - These walls are thin! And you're all yelling really loud!
Kilándrè: Another one…
Jimbliah - Can I come in? I just watched a man get dragged away by bears!
no fabian you can't
Kilándrè: keeping the doors closed with auric power
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