Jimbliah - Okay, I'll call you both dickhead. People are right about elves
Jimbliah - Okay, I'll call you both dickhead. People are right about elves
Arandor: That's Relthic. He's not Relthic
Kilándrè: Maybe it….never mind
Jimbliah - speaks in an annoying and mocking tone I-ah don't-a give-a fuck!
Jimbliah - You guys are assholes! I'm gonna go find my mentally inept dwarf friend that possesses the strength of a god
Soáki: "This is not your place, leave us alone!" to Kilandré "Let's please hurry this up and get out of here."
Darruk: He insulted both elves and dwarfs… Gods, I really don't care if I'm a healer, I going to kill him if I have to!
Aquaramis: Where the hell did he even come from, anyway?! Did the god of being an asshole drop him here to annoy us!?
Nmere: "I doubt it. He's probably busy with something else by now."
Soáki: "Can we pleeeeeease leave soon?"
two women appear out of a door at the other end of the hall. One has blonde hair and the eye colour as Kilandrè and Arandor, the other is taller and Chinese looking
Kilandrè: curtesy My ladies
Nmere gives a short bow, Soáki does the same.
Blonde woman: What is the meaning of this, sharp smile cousin?
Kilandrè: We need your aid, Lady Evilea
Evilea: Don't lady me, princess
Krystal, Gim-zhul, and Darruk bow, Zenua, The'ra, and Lia'al curtesy, while Midnight leans over to far and almost falls on his face. He noticed that Aquaramis didn't bow.
Midnight: Aquaramis!
Aquaramis: Frick… The hell am I supposed to do? I'm… Mumbles but then this isn't my world…
Midnight: Oh, now you realize that?
Chinese: Who in Void are these…people?
Evilea: I'm sure my cousin would have a suitable explanation, Ismaniel
Kilandrè: trying not to glare
Aquaramis: clears throat I am Slurs his words
Midnight: What's wrong?
Aquaramis: I'm so freaking nervous… I haven't said my full title in fifteen years…
Evilea: Come in, Your Highness, but leave them
Arandor: But they're…
Ismaniel: Leave. Them
Aquaramis: Mumbles Frick, they remind me of that god awful Marigold…
Nmere looks annoyed but Soáki grabs his arm. "Its probably for the best. We don't want to offend anyone here."
Aquaramis: Arg! Midnight, I need help!
Midnight: Prince or not, Aquaramis, I doubt you could contribute anything to what they are going to say. And like you said, it probably won't matter because this isn't our world. And stop messing with your tail! You are going to cut your claw.
Aquaramis: Drops his tail with a thud on the ground It's sheathed, mother.
Midnight glares at him while he smirks.
Kilandrè and Arandor follows Evilea and Ismaniel into an inner room
Nmere: "I have an idea."
Soáki looks at him bewildered. Then he grins.
Evilea: What is the meaning of this, Princess
Kilandrè: Travelling failed, my ladies
Ismaniel: You want something from us
Arandor: Yes
Kilandrè: Only the safe passage to Har-Tel-Edolë
Nmere slowly stretches out his hands. A rainbow light comes from them, looking a little like a bubble. Inside there is an image of all that is going on in the room.
Nmere: To Soáki "Shield it."
Soáki lets darkness seep from his hands and uses it to cover everything but the mirrors surface.
Ismaniel: snort Of course, only the safe passage to Har-Tel-Edolë. We owe no allegiance to you, Perlintë
Kilandrè: So you would rather bow to the Leiris brat?
Ismaniel: The House Aerestione bow to no one
Kilandrè: And you think you can hold back his forces alone?
Ismaniel: There's nothing in Essaï for them
Kilandrè: He wants the whole of Vanèran.
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