forum crash landing (one on one//closed)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

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Liam gave a half smile, “Thanks, and if you need Cyprus to check in with you then I can make sure he does it if he’s staying here some nights and forgets,” He shrugged, “Just a thought.”


“That would be appreciated,” Jay said with a small smile. His smile faltered when his watch beeped, and he glanced down at it before looking back up at them. “Well, it looks like I’m needed. Have fun,” he said before letting himself out


"Now you know what I've had to put up with for the last few years," Cyprus muttered bitterly. "You know, I was stuck inside that imbecile's head for two years with no way of escaping. Granted, I had just about all I wanted since I could practically make a palace out of his empty cavern of a mind, but it was torture to have to listen to him all the time."


"Your constant rambling is far better than listening to that buffoon go around slandering your name while you could only stop him by temporarily possessing him," Cyprus huffed. "At least it was funny the first time."


(I was just tryin’ to make thing spicy- the same friend)

“Okay, cool. I’ll go get my shoes.” Liam replied, walking into his room and grabbing his trainers.


(they've already been spicy tbh lmao)

Cyprus was already pretty much dressed, so he slid off the counter before walking over to the doorway


(Do you have an instagram? Or, would you say you’re cute? - the same bloody friend I’m gonna kill myself)

Liam slippe don his shoes and grabbed a jacket before heading out to meet Cyrpus, “Already, let’s go.”


(Do you have any social media?- the same, fucking, annoying friend who has no filter what so ever!)

“So, do I get a hint about where we are going?” Liam asked as they stepping nto the elevator.


(lmao I have a tumblr but that's just for art and memes. and a youtube. I live under a rock lmao)

"Nope," Cyprus said with a small smile. "It's a surprise. But don't worry, you'll like it."


(like all I have is stuff for art and animation loll)

Cyprus smiled, pecking Liam on the cheek as they walked. "Oh, quit pouting. The fact that it's a surprise will make it better when you see it."


Cyprus smiled, and he gave Liam's hand a squeeze in return before beginning to walk down the street. The place he was planning on taking Liam wasn't too far away, only a block or so