“Wow, I’ve never seen anything like this before.” Liam said taking a small step forward to see the details a little better
“Wow, I’ve never seen anything like this before.” Liam said taking a small step forward to see the details a little better
"It was built on a planet far away from here. I forget the name, but it's a spectacular place. A lot like Earth, really."
Liam looked at Cyrpus with a grin on his face, “Really? That’s really cool…” He said, turning back to the ship
Cyprus nodded. He made his way through the ship, circuitry lighting up beneath their feet. It seemed vaguely empty at first, though it quickly became obvious that it functioned as a sort of home. He walked into an area towards the back of the ship, which had various beds and hammocks strewn about. In one of the hammocks was a strange-looking person, who looked human at first from the way their back was turned to them
“Who’s that?” Liam asked quietly as he noticed the person on the hammock.
"That would be Eclipse. Not sure if she's awake though," Cyprus answered. He crawled up a ladder near the hammock before leaning over to poke the person in the hammock. "Hey, wake up. My boyfriend's here and you sleep too much," he said loudly. Eclipse simply grunted before rolling over
“there’s no need to be mean, Cy…” Liam muttered, taking a step closer to the girl in the hammock and Cyprus.
"Relax, this is how I wake her up normally," Cyprus assured him. He began to rock the hammock a bit violently, and Eclipse growled before batting his hand away. Satisfied, Cyprus climbed down the ladder. Eclipse yawned before getting onto the ladder and crawling down it. She looked human from behind, though when she turned around it was quickly evident she wasn't. She had dark grey skin and long, fuzzy ears, and large horns jutted from her forehead
“I-Is she like you? Or not?” Liam asked, drawing his gaze from Eclipse to Cyprus.
"Nope. Don't know what she is, to be honest," Cyprus said with a small chuckle. Eclipse flipped him off before rubbing at her strange, almost neon violet eyes.
"What'd you wake me up for?" she complained, not quite noticing Liam yet
Liam rubbed at his neck, feeling slightly awkward. He didn’t quite know what to say so he coughed a little bit to get her attention.
Eclipse looked around for a second before seeing Liam. "Oh, hello. Why is there a stranger on the ship?" she asked before turning to Cyprus.
"Eclipse, this is my boyfriend Liam," he said, walking over to him and taking his hand with a smile
“It’s nice to meet you.” Liam said with a small smile before extending his hand for her to shake.
Eclipse shook his hand with a small smile. She looked vaguely dragon-esque now that she was more visible, her white-grey hair long and spiky in contrast to her dark grey and bright violet skin
After Liam shook her hand, he rubbed the back of his neck, not quite knowing what to say next. Why was he was awkward? Who knows really.
“Are you going to introduce him to the others?” Eclipse asked. Cyprus shrugged.
“Depends on who’s on board. Though I’m assuming everyone’s home at the moment.”
“How many people are there again?” Liam asked, turning to Cyprus.
"There's five of us in total. Myself, Eclipse, Noise, Jay, and Icarus," Cyprus listed off
“Okay… got it.” Liam said, rubbing at his neck again.
"Hm…Jay is probably out still, but I'm assuming Icarus and Noise are here," Cyprus mused. He began to walk towards the cockpit area, though he was suddenly stopped by a strange robot hovering just above the floor.
"Hello, Cyprus. Welcome home. I see you have a guest," the robot said, their voice monotonous but vaguely feminine
Liam waved a little, “Hi, I’m Liam.” He said, giving a half smile.
"Greetings, Liam. I am designation Noise," the robot introduced themself as. Cyprus chuckled a bit.
"Don't worry, she's nice. She might seem a little off-putting at first, but she's probably the most bearable person on this ship."
“It’s nice to meet you, Noise.” Liam said, laughing a little.
Noise gave him a small bow. "I hope you enjoy your stay aboard the Storm," she said politely. Cyprus smiled a bit at Liam's laugh but eventually began to walk towards the cockpit again
“Storm? Is that the name of the ship?” Liam asked Cyrpus, following behind him.
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