@Becfromthedead group
Aram saw Nienna sit down alone, so he turned around and beckoned for her to come sit with him and Harley.
Aram saw Nienna sit down alone, so he turned around and beckoned for her to come sit with him and Harley.
"That's a shame." Durbin said, yawning. He saw Nienna, and hopped to his feet.
"Hey, Nienna, it's Durbin!" He said
"Hi!" Nienna exclaimed as she ran over and gave him a hug. "So do you want to come over and sit with these guys? They invited me over." She asked him.
"Sure." He said, before turning to the two shifter ladies. "You two down for some fun?" He invited.
Nienna sighed and shook her head before sitting down with them.
Danielle did a little hop. "Oh, heck yeah!"
"No!" Riverpaw yipped.
"Come ooonn pleeease?" Danielle gave her the saddest face she could muster, and Riverpaw caved. "Fine."
Aram looked at Nienna. "How's your day been so far? You liking it here?"
Durbin walked over to the table, setting his backpack down. His tail swayed vigorously.
"I mean it's ok I guess, but I mean I only just got here." Nienna replied.l before looking at Durbin. "Ohhh look who got a date from the ladies " She teased.
Danielle hopped up next to Durbin, Riverpaw scooting up close to her. Danielle smiled at Nienna and introduced herself. "Danielle. This is my buddy, Riverpaw."
Nyna heard Amai and her elf ears twitch, "Splendid name that you have, my name's Nyna." She didn't make eye contact at all, she was too focused in the book.
“Nice to meet you!” Amai looked at the book, “What book are you reading?”
Durbin rested his head on the table, flicking his ears, and nostrils around.
"That's a horrible thing to call yours- Wait. Is that just the name of your species?" Aram asked, intrigued.
“Technically. I can control weather but there are others like me who do other stuff.” She explained
Nienna nodded. "Hi, I'm Nienna, nice to meet you, I'm half elf and half human, but please don't judge me for that." She introduced herself before she had to rapidly blink a few times before refocusing.
"Hey, no judging here." Danielle said. "What was that blinking about?"
"It's hard to judge someone based on their species in this place," Aram reassured Nienna, and by extent, everyone. "Look at how many different kinds of people there are."
"An ancient book that tells old folk stories, it's quite interesting if I say so myself." Nyna opened the bag of Doritos and took one out, "What in the world is this thing?" She pointed at the Dorito.
"Oh um I have this thing called Chromositha, which is this…..disability. I have. It makes me see sounds as colors and it can be really overwhelmining sometimes. Its also the reason I avoid other elves a lot. They usually make fun of me for that and my half thing." She explained.
"I can go beat up some elves," Aram offered.
Durbin's ears started to flick erratically. His nostrils flared. He used all of his senses to survey the room. He noticed it just in time.
"Look what the cat dragged in." Said a gravelly voice. "I'm sorry was that too played out?"
Durbin looked back, to spot a large, silver-furred wolf with one eye open, and the other one closed and defunct, it had a scar over it.
"Akira!" He said, trotting over to the wolf.
"Long time no see."
“It’s a Dorito. Unfortunately they wouldn’t let me have popcorn instead, but hey, they aren’t too bad,” Amai grabbed his own bag and opened it, dumping the contents onto his tray.
"I can go beat up some elves," Aram offered.
Nienna laughed. "Thanks ."
Nyna looked at the Dorito, confused but still intrigued. "I've never seen these kind of snacks before, they're quite different from where I lived."
Amai shrugged, “Well, like I said, they aren’t that bad,” Amai was about to eat the chip, but paused. If she hadn’t eaten Doritos before… there was a chance… “Have you ever had popcorn?”
Nyna shook her head, "No, but it sounds delicious. I love corn!"
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