Liam rolled onto his stomach and propped his face up on his hand, looking at Cyprus and smiling, “Are you blushing?” He asked playfully.
Liam rolled onto his stomach and propped his face up on his hand, looking at Cyprus and smiling, “Are you blushing?” He asked playfully.
"No," Cyprus protested, rolling further onto his side so that he had his back turned to Liam. "You must be seeing things," he tried to say
“You’re blushing, I just got his Majesty to blush.” Liam smirked and climbed over the top of Cyprus so he was lying on the other side of him and could see his face.
"No you didn't," Cyprus protested, blushing even more as he turned his back to Liam yet again. He tugged the hem of his cloak up so that it covered his face
Liam rolled Cyprus over onto his back and grabbed his cloak and lowered it so he could see his face. He smiled down at him, “I did get you to blush and you can’t deny it.” He said quietly.
Cyrus felt his heart begin to race again, eyes wide as he looked up at Cyrus. He didn't say anything, just took another piece of his cloak and threw it over his face
Liam took his other hand and removed the new bit of cloak, “I think it’s cute if that counts for anything.” He said, trying not to blush himself.
"Wha…W-What?" Cyprus nearly squeaked out, eyes wide and face flushed even more as he looked up at Liam
Liam smirked, “The blush, it’s cute.” He said, his voice coming out lower then normal. He gently let go of the Cyprus’s cloak.
"W-Well, um. I've never exactly been called…cute before," Cyprus mumbled, resisting the urge to look off to the side as he stared up at Liam
“I’m glad I’m the first to do so.” He replied, his eyes shining with something that was either amusement or happiness, or a mix of both as he looked down at Cyprus.
"Um…" Cyprus started, still staring wide-eyed at Liam. "You…You have a nice face," he tried to compliment, but ended up just feeling more flustered
Liam laughed a little, “Compliments aren’t really your thing, clearly,” He smiled, “Let’s leave them to me, shall we.”
"Leave me alone, jello legs," Cyprus huffed. He looked off to the side, still very conscious of the fact that Liam was still on top of him
“Alright then.” He said, shrugging and climbing off of Cyprus and lying down next to him, a little further away then before though.
"Wait, no, I didn't mean actually leave me alone," Cyprus complained before rolling until he was half on top of Liam
Liam shrugged, “I thought I was making you uncomfortable.” He replied, looking into Cyprus’s eyes.
"No, um. You were making me the…opposite?" Cyprus said slowly, staying where he was as he looked at Liam
Liam smiled a little, “You were fine with me lying on top of you?”
"Oddly, yes," Cyprus said, as if this was a new revelation that he hadn't figured out from the last time Liam was on top of him
“That’s good to know.” He replied quietly, keeping his gaze on Cyprus’s face.
Cyprus kept his eyes on Liam as well, not quite sure what to do with himself. "I…Did you like…lying on top of me?" he asked slowly
Liam smirked a little, “It’s possible.” He replied, keeping his voice quiet.
"U-Um," Cyprus began, his face feeling like it was on fire as he looked off to the side. "You can…lay on me again if you want," he nearly squeaked out
Liam grinned at Cyprus and gently flipped them over so he was on top of Cyprus. He gently place his head on Cyprus’s chest and his smile softened.
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