forum crash landing (one on one//closed)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

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Cyprus smiled at the small noise Liam had made. He thought it was adorable, really. He continued what he was doing, occasionally rubbing at the base of Liam's neck


Liam could have fallen asleep quite happily there. He throughly enjoyed what Cyprus was doing and the purrs became more common in the minuets that they lied there.


"Like I said, it's cute. My starboy just happens to purr," Cyprus hummed before pressing a quick kiss to Liam's forehead


"I think it's rather fitting," Cyprus hummed. "You're studying astrology, after all. And we're always under the stars at some point or another."


"Ugh, fine," Cyprus complained, still lying on his back as he looked up at Liam. "You know, you look very nice from this angle," he said in a teasing tone


The next evening, Liam had his hood up, covering most of his face, hands in his pockets and not looking like his usual self. Something was. Wrong. And it was easy to notice.


Cyprus had changed his outfit, feeling a little more confident in showing his body. He was wearing a hoodie and jeans, a style he had adopted from one of Jay's crewmembers. His face lit up at the sight of Liam, though it quickly fell. "Are you alright, love?" he asked gently


Liam nodded slowly, “I’m fine.” He said. He wasn’t, clearly but he only lied because he didn’t want Cyprus to worry. It wasn’t a big issue, well, maybe but Liam would be fine.


"No, you don't get to do that. You're obviously upset and i's my job as your boyfriend to make you feel better," Cyprus protested


Cyprus's eyes widened, their irises shaped like exclamation marks. "What…What happened?" he asked gently, expression full of concern


“I-I forgot to put the locket you have me on today, and when I got to school t-the guys who normally do this did it again. I guess that locket was bringing luck.” He said quietly.


"Jesus," Cyprus breathed out. He stood, walking forward to wrap his arms around Liam. "I'm so sorry that happened to you," he murmured. "Those people are horrible, and they shouldn't be doing this to you. I'd snap their necks if I went to that school."