Liam scowled at Cyprus, “Not funny, Majesty.” He muttered standing up, wobbling a little but he didn’t fall again.
Liam scowled at Cyprus, “Not funny, Majesty.” He muttered standing up, wobbling a little but he didn’t fall again.
"Look, he's even got jello legs," Cyprus snickered, reaching over to poke Liam's knee while he grinned
Liam fell over when Cyprus poked his knee and groaned when he hit the floor, “No fair!”
"You fell like a toothpick!" Cyprus laughed before beginning to giggle so much he fell over
Liam pouted then smirked at Cyprus and tackled him. They rolled a few meters in the grass until they eventually stopped and Liam was lying on top of Cyprus, still smirking, “Don’t push me over again. Goodnight Majesty.” He said into his ear before getting up and walking away.
Cyprus had a starstruck look on his face as he watched Liam go. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before letting his head fall back against the grass. He stared up at the stars, his face flushed and eyes wide. Lord, his heart was still racing
Liam’s heart was pounding. He could not believe he just did that but he enjoyed it. He couldn’t wipe the smirk off his face as he left. Maybe he should show his confident side more often. Now he couldn’t wait until tomorrow night.
(time skip :v)
Cyprus was sitting atop the grave marker tonight, and in a good mood. He had already taken his violin out, which he had resting in his lap
Liam had a few paintings in his bag which he had slung over one shoulder as he walked into the clearing. His heart rate was quicker tonight and he didn’t know why but he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face as he walked over to Cyprus.
"There's my jello-legged painter," Cyprus called, a wide grin spreading across his face at the sight of Liam. He adjusted the skull-carved violin in his grasp, his heart speeding up a bit
“Need me to tackle you again Majesty?” He called back, “Or did you learn your lesson from last time?” He unhooked his bag from his shoulder and placed it next to him as he sat down.
"Only if you want to sail right through me," Cyprus hummed smugly in response. He watched Liam sit down, watching the bag eagerly. "Now, let the cat out of the bag and show me some of those paintings."
“Nope, you have to play for me first.” Liam said, leaning back in his hands and crossing one leg over the other.
"You have several paintings, correct? Well, let's meet in the middle. You show me one first, and then I'll play," Cyprus countered with a crooked grin
“One song for one painting, that’s my final offer.” Liam said, pushing his bag behind him and out of view, smiling innocently at Cyprus.
Cyprus made an exaggerated scowl before sighing. "Fine, you win." He shifted his cloak off his damaged arm, though where just a stump was before was now what appeared to be a replacement arm made of flickering blue-violet flames. He held the skull-carved violin up to his chin, raising the bow before beginning to play
Liam closed his eyes and listened to the music. Cyprus played beautifully and he could listen for it all day if he could.
Cyprus continued to play, his eyes half-closed. The music was hauntingly beautiful, which was oddly fitting considering Cyprus was a spirit. Something began to happen to the ground as he played, though. The clearing slowly became alight with small blue and violet lights, twinkling just above the grass
Liam opened his eyes and gasped a little when he saw the scene, “What the-“ It just made everything ten times better.
Cyprus smiled softly at Liam's reaction. The lights began to flicker before forming in a circle around the clearing. The music began to reach a crescendo, and as it did so dozens of electric blue and pale violet roses began to grow from the ground
Liam stared at the flowers in awe and he felt his own locket warm up and almost pulse, like it had its own heart beat. He brought his hand to the locket and held it as he watched the flowers grow.
The flowers finished growing, the lights around them dancing and flickering before beginning to fade as Cyprus began to slow. He eventually finished the song, a peaceful smile on his face
“Cy, That was beautiful.” Liam said quietly, turning back to the spirit with a smile on his face.
Cyrus grinned happily, something oddly at peace behind his smile. "Thank you," he said softly before letting the arm of fire fizzle out. He tucked the violin into his cloak, still smiling as he did so
“Guess now you have to see my artwork.” Liam mumbled as he reached behind him and grabbed his bag, opening the latch and zippers and pulling out a canvas. The painting was of a set of snow topped mountains towering over a forest of pine and oak trees, a crystal blue river running the the middle while the sun set behind them. Liam reluctantly handed the painting to Cyprus.
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