"I love you North, and i'm not going to stand by and watch you do this to yourself." He said taking a sandwich and holding it out to her. "Here just a couple bites, for me." She took it and took a small bite.
"I love you North, and i'm not going to stand by and watch you do this to yourself." He said taking a sandwich and holding it out to her. "Here just a couple bites, for me." She took it and took a small bite.
It was a yummy sandwich mmm just bursting with flavor even though it was just a turkey sandwich with cheese and mustard.
She took another bite, bigger than the last. Tyler smiled over at her as she ate. "You want another one?" He asked when she finished the sandwich. North shook her head and pulled her knees up to her chest.
M was having a mental fight with himself. Should I snoop on her thoughts and see what's wrong? Or should I just ask her?
He decided to ask her, but in her mind.
Hey, North. Said his voice as he put something back into the refrigerator. What's wrong?
She ignored him.
North, you won't be able to fix your problems by ignoring the person who can. Tell me what's wrong.
I don't want to.
Why not?
Don't trust me enough? After what we've been through?
I'm sorry but I don't want to tell you M. I do trust you, I just don't want pity.
I'm not going to give you pity, I'm going to try and help you. You know how I work, and you hardly know me.
I don't need your help. Tyler can help me just fine. He was there the first time, not you.
M didn't respond, only swallowed gently and pushed away from the emotion that came out of that.
He blocked it out and put the mustard away in the fridge.
North stood up, leaning on her chair. "Let's go for a walk Ty." She said. "Ok." He said, getting up and taking her hand as they walked out to the front lawn.
Pax was staring at M. "What did you say to her?"
"I wanted to know what was wrong."
"Did she tell you?"
"No. She doesn't trust me enough."
Pax stood up and walked over to M and hugged him. "She'll be okay."
"She reminds me so much of Xanthe."
Something flickered on Pax's face; Pax didn't like Xanthe too much.
A wave of dizziness hit North as she and Tyler walked towards the city. She stumbled and leaned on him for support. "C'mon, let's go inside, you need rest." He said, turning with her and walking back into the house. They went upstairs and she lay next to him, knees up to her chest.
M hugged Pax back, and Pax leaned into him.
"I still can't believe you're here, though. For how long?"
"As long as you need me."
North dozed off, Tyler slowly stroking her hair.
M sighed into Pax's hair. "When's Neo going to bring the other two back?"
"He didn't tell me, but you know him well, don't you?"
"They're miserable here, he should've earlier."
Tyler got up, careful to not wake up North. He stood by the window, imagining his kids playing in the grass, asking why they never got to see any other people. If she's happy here, i'm happy here. He thought, glancing over at her sleeping form.
"When do you think he'll come? Do you think he'd've resurrected Cameron and Xanthe, too?"
"No. They like being dead, unfortunately. And he'll probably come soon, presuming they're only human."
(im not sure what to do so continue)
"We're not human?"
"No, Pax, you're resurrected, and I'm a Mind Reader. Plus, we'd better wait for him down here."
"We're not going to tell them?"
"It's for the best."
Suddenly Tyler saw Neo striding across the grass. He paused, to enjoy the sun, then continued.
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