Tyler stirred and sat up and looked around. Where the fuck are we…. He thought, his last memory of Neo. Oh shit..I can't tell North she'll freak and want to go back.
Tyler stirred and sat up and looked around. Where the fuck are we…. He thought, his last memory of Neo. Oh shit..I can't tell North she'll freak and want to go back.
Neo went back downstairs. "The deed is done."
"Thanks Neo." M murmured lamely.
Neo left.
North sat up and glanced over at Tyler. "I was thinking…who are we going to invite to our wedding?" She asked him. "Wh- oh yeah I don't know. Do we need to have anyone there?" He asked, since neither of them have any family. North realized he had a point. "No, I guess we don't."
Pax smiled at M. "What now?"
"Well, we'll have to go to the wedding." M murmured. He'd been thinking about it ever since they told him. Neo had put a slight blemish on his and the couple's plan.
Pax smiled wider. "That sounds fun! I've never been to a wedding! Wait…" Pax's face fell. "How will we get there?"
North got out of bed and walked over to the dresser, pulling out some clothes. "When should we do it?" She asked Tyler as she got dressed. He got out of bed as well. "It's up to you." He said, pulling on some clothes. "How about..a month from tomorrow?" She asked looking up at him. "Sounds perfect." Tyler said walking over to her and kissing her hard.
"I'll ask Neo when the wedding is and I'm sure he'll let us go around for a day, as long as it's at the wedding."
"Alright." Pax's smile grew warmer.
(im just gonna say they both graduated cause why not)
North kissed him back before grabbing her bag and walking towards the door. "I have to go but i'll see you tonight ok?" She said. "Sounds good, bye love you." When she left, Tyler sighed and sat back down on the bed. She can't remember M until after the wedding or else she'll go insane worrying. He thought sadly.
(Can we time skip??)
(yes to when??)
(the wedddinnngggg duuuh)
(tbh you could have said i write sins not tragedies and i would've understood you)
North woke up smiling. She got out of bed and glanced up at her wedding dress hanging on the back of the door. After a quick shower she did her make up and pulled her hair up into a braided bun with a couple strands of hair hanging down around her face.
(tyler's not here but im not sure where he would go so they wouldn't see each other im just gonna pretend i know where he is)
M felt nervous. He took his suit off of the motel doorknob and woke up Pax. Pax popped up and got clothes on, and the pair left. They helped with the set up of the wedding and took seats. M kept fidgeting.
(lol wait aren't they the only people there)
(can M walk her up like a FaTHeR??)
North slipped into her dress, careful not to smudge her makeup. She smiled to herself in the mirror.
(she is now in the wedding place) (so is tyler)
(OOOH yaaah)
SO some random guy walked up and is like, "You're the dad right?"
Pax smirked and M slapped him. "What?" He asked.
"You're the father of North, right?"
"C'mon." The guy grabbed M and dragged him down the aisle.
He knocked on North's door. "I found your dad. He was one of the only guys here."
North frowned and turned around about to say something until she saw M standing there. "Uh yeah.." She said. When the guy left she turned back around. "You made me leave M. How could you do that to me again?"
M sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? Neo wanted it, and I only found out the day of. I'm really sorry. But I convinced him to let me come, so… please, can I at least walk you down the aisle before we never see each other again?"
"Mmhm." North said, her eyes filling with tears at the thought.
M walked forward and hugged her. "I'm sorry I got you in this mess. I'm so sorry."
"I'm glad you did." She said quietly.
He sighed gently. "You shouldn't be. I'm a bad person, North, and you don't deserve this. You're a really good person, and I shouldn't have put a blight on it." He squeezed her tighter.
"I love you so much M. I don't want you to go."
"You don't need me, North."
"I need you more than anyone."
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