North suddenly stopped laughing and put her head in her hands. "Tyler..fuck." She groaned.
North suddenly stopped laughing and put her head in her hands. "Tyler..fuck." She groaned.
"What?" M blinked, feeling sudden confusion. What the fuck is going on?
"I just left him again. He's gonna be devastated." She said sadly.
"so… you're staying?" He blinked confusedly again.
"Why?" He tilted his head like a confused dog.
She waved her hand in his general direction. "Look at you. You're a wreck. Clearly you need somebody else here besides you and your insanity."
(My friends)
"No, no, you're going back, you can't stay here!"
(lol tru)
"Either you're coming with me or i'm staying here with you, but M, I'm not leaving you again." She said crawling over to him and staring into his ice blue eyes.
(his ice blue eyes, wow great grammar, m8)
"I can't leave here, and I don't want you to leave Tyler! You deserve to be happy with him."
(lol i know i suck)
"Stop being a stubborn bitch and listen to me! You are Clearly suffering here. And I was depressed not being able to remember a thing about you. Tyler's got his whole life to spend with someone else, not me." (also was it falling from a tree that killed M cause like boi all that would do was break a couple bones)
(Well he landed on his chest, which was already weak with trauma and his ribs were like to his lungs, "eyyy we're gonna pUncTURE you now" and M just kinda suffered from severe pneumothorax i just did some research)
"No! Go back to Tyler, and be happy!"
(Also I want this to end with like them having little grandbabies and M is just that happy little grandfather over there because he never had grandbabies, and before that Tyler would get over his edginess and actually start to like M and you have no idea how happy that would make me)
(Also there's severe spontaneous pneumothorax that looked pretty good too so)
(omg yes ok she'll go back but M has to be happy somehow)
"I'll only go back if you promise me you'll be happy M. I can't live if I know you're over here suffering." She said hopeful that he would agree with her.
(onononnonoo i mean that SHE'LL bring TYLER BACK over somehow and they'll have children with M THERE so he can just be a little bean. That was unclear sorry)
(So make her still be stubborn becaue no one can leave their M father like this no)
(Oh oh ohhh ok thats better.)
(also when you said "eyyy we're gonna pUncTURE you now." i read it in an Italian accent and i have no idea why)
(another also can we just do a time skip to like they just got here together cause i dont feel like making tyler be himself rn)
(ok good job you read it right. and okay how far do you wanna time skip?)
(just to them getting to M's home place plz)
(ok so like another week of cripling loneliness for M ok)
~Another week wow~
M paced in the master bedroom, which was dressed lavishly in slate black and a dark blue. He didn't have time to notice it's magnificence though, because he was nervous. Remeeting Tyler was going to be awful, he just knew it.
(this whole thing has just been like dRama and M hating Tyler and tyler being like BItCh nO)
North smiled happily up at Tyler who had a nervous look on his face as they walked towards the park, hand in hand. They reached the spot under the tree. Hello..M? North thought, squeezing Tyler's hand.
M glanced out the window. Up here. He communicated with her. When she looked up, he waved.
North smiled up at him and waved back. "Jesus Christ..I forgot how enormous this place is.." Tyler muttered, a small smile forming on his lips. They walked up to the bedroom and North embraced M tightly when she saw him.
M hugged her back. He looked slick in his white dress shirt, tie and (a little baggy) dress black pants. He'd brushed his hair so that it stuck up everywhere, which somehow made him look more masculine than feminine. He looked much better, but still very thin, pale and haughty looking (aww he's still sad ;u;).
"You look great M." North said sweetly as she pulled back and surveyed him. Tyler stepped forward and she moved next to him. He stuck out his hand. "Nice to see you again."
M grinned appreciatively at her comment and took Tyler's hand. It reminded him briefly of Cameron, but that was a heartache for later. "It's great to see you again, too, Tyler." M rumbled gently. "And, um, sorry about the first greetings. No hard feelings?"
Tyler smiled, relieved. "Not at all." He said happily.
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