(lol you got yourself into that position tho)
(lol you got yourself into that position tho)
(it's totally worth what I'm planning tho. So how about we time skip another week or two?)
(ok does she remember him at all now?)
(A little, she knows his face, but every time she sees an 'm' on a page her heart skips for some reason.)
~Two weeks later~
M lay sitting down next to the fountain, his right hand in the cold water. It was raining, too. It mixed with M's salty tears and they landed on the cool concrete of the beautiful fountain. He felt worse than he ever has in his life; he could still hear Pax, Xanthe and Cameron's voices in his head, and felt lonely as ever because suddenly Zackary had disappeared.
North was walking home from school. Tyler was gone on his school's senior retreat and would be for another three days. She looked up and saw a sign on the side of a bus stop. The first thing that caught her eye was the enunciated M at the beginning of a word. She was immediately filled with sadness, then as quickly as it came, it went away. What's wrong with me? North thought wearily.
(when does an M appear on a bus stop sign???)
M didn't bother stirring from his apparently uncomfortable stance. He felt that he deserved the stiff coldness settling throughout his joints; they tingled painfully but M didn't feel it. He was numb to all except the pain in his heart.
(no like you know the little bus stop buildings that have the benches inside and they usually have advertisements on the side)
North continued walking as it started to rain softly, then more heavily.
(Ah ok)
M's rain was falling constantly for the past two weeks. The rain gave him the sense of being real, but occasionally he would realize that he was the only one in this dimension. This did not help with his heartache; soon he started to miss North and even Tyler. Okay, maybe that's a stretch. Said a groggy thought that felt like it didn't belong to him.
(i take it back. M is the salty one even though every time Neo appears he is slightly irritated.)
North kept walking slowly through the rain. She had been off these past weeks, slightly depressed and not really caring about anything at all.
(Told you hahahaha)
M's usually alive, bright icy blue eyes were shaded not only with hair, but with pain. They were half closed, and he stayed in this death-like trance from the moment he'd dragged himself out of the forest.
North was soaked by the time she reached her apartment. She went into her bedroom and changed her clothes. When she took the pendant off to dry it she felt a small burst of pain where it had been. She gasped and set it down on her dresser, not wanting to touch it in fear of feeling the pain again.
M let out a soft, raspy sob. Why couldn't Pax just be the rulebreaker he always was and take me against Neo's will? North's not coming, it doesn't matter. A thought that felt true to him rung out, and his heart roared in agreement.
(im leaving it up to you to bring her back or something cause i have no idea what im doing)
North put on dry clothes and tentatively picked up the pendant. She didn't feel pain, instead, intense sadness.
The pendant suddenly flashed, and she remembered so much at one time. M himself, Neo, the true details of North and Tyler getting together, M's sudden hatred for them, then the agony… a lot of it… waking up to Neo saying that she can't remember any of this. North felt another wave of sadness.
I have to go, I can't be alone anymore, especially after them
(wtf ok xD)
North sank to the floor, tears were streaming down her face as she remembered. She suddenly realized she kept M from joining his loved ones, and how jealous he seemed of her and Tyler.
Shivers of grief shook his stiff, cold body and he closed his eyes. Why did I have to push them all away?
North cried out in pain and loss for M. She stood, figuring the only chance she had of getting back to him was going to the same spot they first met. Grabbing the pendent and hooking it back around her neck, she walked outside where it was still pouring rain and went to the small park. The bench M had been sitting on was gone so instead she sat under the tree next to it. (real smart since its storming and you'll probably get electrocuted)
M's mind jolted back to life, working furiously.
"There's no one here," He weakly told himself. "They've all left you because you're so terrible, remember?" His magic's intuition didn't die, though.
North had her knees pulled up to her chest. Her hair and clothes were soaked and she was shivering. I remember you M. I remember you..
Suddenly a warmth of no other went over her, and the rain thrumming around she and M seemed to be fake (but not for M because i dunno). M had sat up too quickly, and his body protested sharply, but he didn't care.
"North?" His voice was raspy and sad.
"M?.." North said softly.
M was practically unrecognizable, with his haughty eyes and messy, wet black hair. He looked skinnier than ever before (as if that was possible), and his face was white with cold.
"North." He said with happy defiantly.
"M." North sobbed, looking up at his pale face. She suddenly started laughing, filled with such happiness and affection for him.
M felt weak(er) with relief and he smiled the first smile in what felt like thousands of years.
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