forum MYTHS (mostly Greek ones...if you want even about the musical called Epic the Musical... only if you want :3)
Started by @localmythlover

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0.0 I fear you now-

O.O y fear me?

TvT you don't just say the king of the Greek gods can die- XD that's how you get struck by lightninggggg

He had the time since I was 11.

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

I just stalk bc I think Greek myths are cool man 👩

So real. Greek myths are so fascinating, cool, and interesting. Even if I didn’t find endless satisfaction and delight pulling from the Greek myths for my characters, I’d still love analyzing them to death like the funny friend I am.

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

Athena is seen as a wise goddess depending on the myth Archne's myt is Atena being mad she wasn't better than a mortal

Isn’t that one written by Ovid? The guy that pretty much has a bone to pick with the Greek Gods?

Also rewrote Medusa’s myth from a run of the mill monster just happening to have the power needed to kill Cetus to a Priestess screwed over by the bickering tag team of Poseidon and Athena for something that wasn’t even her fault


I was taken in by my uncle, I'd rather not talk about why he took me in when I have a mother. I'm going to a new school, I lost m noise-canceling headphones. then forgot this place existed.