@spacebluelily language
Crappy title, I know. It can change, and it might.
Crappy title, I know. It can change, and it might.
XD- It's fine.
Give me a sec to see what the last response was.
Coco sipped some tea as she pet her pet rabbit, Kipo. (lol-)
The rabbit nuzzled her hand as she smiled, kissing the white rabbits' nose and sighing, before eating a riceball.
"Right, what else do I need?" Alexis said to herself as she walked around the somewhat dim store. She looked at the shelves for things she might need. She grabbed a pack of gum from one shelve and a bag of chips that was still good. She walked back to the front and took a bag and put everything inside. She looked at the dead body in front of the store and smiled as she made her way back to Coco's house.
Coco sipped some tea as she pet her pet rabbit, Kipo. (lol-)
The rabbit nuzzled her hand as she smiled, kissing the white rabbits' nose and sighing, before eating a riceball.
"Right, what else do I need?" Alexis said to herself as she walked around the somewhat dim store. She looked at the shelves for things she might need. She grabbed a pack of gum from one shelve and a bag of chips that was still good. She walked back to the front and took a bag and put everything inside. She looked at the dead body in front of the store and smiled as she made her way back to Coco's house.
Coco smiled, petting the bunny as she sighed, her head lowered. Her rabbit was bound to pass away soon, and she didn't want her too. She felt a tear roll down her cheek, as she bit her lower lip. She didn't want to lose her rabbit.
Kipo calmed her down.
Kipo was the one that helped her through anxiety.
Suddenly Kipo stopped breathing and Coco froze. "Kipo?"
No response.
"K-Kipo?!" She yelped, checking for a pulse as she whimpered, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"D-damn it…" She muttered, sobbing silently into the rabbit's fur.
(poor coco :c)
She made her way into the hosue and then into the kitchen. She found Coco, and her rabbit, Kipo. She noticed the tear roll down her friend's cheek and she frowned. She set the bag down on the kitchen counter and turned to Coco. "You alright?" Alexis asked softly.
Coco whimpered. "I-I think Kipo's dead.." She whispered, hugging the dead rabbits' corpse to her chest, giving her a kiss on the head.
(;-; im crying- why am i crying? idk-)
Alexis let out a small gasp and sat down beside the girl. During the time they had been together, she had gotten attached to Kipo. Not as much as Coco, but it still hurt her heart to see him go. She hugged Coco as tears rolled down her cheeks.
Coco whimpered, sobbing into her chest. Kipo had been her close compainain, since all this started. She hugged Alexis, silently crying.
Alexis didn't know what to do, but she tried her best to comfort Coco. She stroked her hair and sighed. "At least Kipo is in a better place now. I know how you're feeling right now, but you'll get through this."
Coco winced, hiding her head in her chest, sniffling. "W-Where do we p-put him?" She sputtered, looking up at her with her eyes teary.
Alexis looked at Coco, and she quickly regretted. It hurt her heart even more to see Coco like this. "I'll make a little grave outside of the house and place him in there if you want. That's the only thing I have in mind at the moment. It's better to bury the little guy than to leave him here."
Coco smiled a bit, and rested her head on her lap. "T-thanks.." She whispered, her voice shaky.
(I was just about to reply, lol)
"You're welcome. . " Alexis said as she held Coco close. She continued to stroke the girl's hair, not knowing what else to do. Maybe she could make her a drink to make her feel a bit more calm. Later, right now, I have to make sure she'll be okay. She thought to herself.
Coco sniffled, before closing her eyes, and falling asleep on Alexis, whining a bit as she curled onto her, hiding her face in her chest, and sighing with a shiver as the rabbit's corpse was stuck in her grasp.
Why did you leave me?
Coco whimpered a bit, now tense.
(God damnit, this is emotional.)
Alexis heard that her breathing was starting to even and that Coco had closed her eyes. It was enough for Alexis to figure out that Coco had fallen asleep. "Everything is going to be okay. Just sleep," She said quietly when Coco started to whimper a bit.
About 45 minutes later, she had woken up, looking around. Everything seemed to be a.. haze. She looked up at Alexis, and kissed her chin, half-asleep and sighed, before seeing Kipo on the ground, as she rolled over. She paused, before shaking her head quickly and hiding her head in Alexis's neck, hugging her and hoping this was all a dream.
She was taken by surprise when Coco kissed her chin. She shook her head and smiled down at Coco, but then it dissapered when she hid her head in Alexis's neck. "As much as I hate to ruin this moment. . .I think now that you're awake it'll be better to bury Kipo. That way you can say something to him before I bury him."
Coco nodded, her breath shakey. "O-Okay.."
Alexis smiled sadly at Kipo and stood up. She walked over to the rabbit and swooped him up. She placed a kiss on Coco's head. "Could you get the shovel, Coco?"
Coco blushed softly in response of the kiss, and nodded, grabbing a shovel and sighed, her eyes teary.
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