@spacebluelily language
(Time skip to the morning?)
Alexis yawned as she looked at Coco. She smiled and closed her eyes.
I love you more than my love for murdering people. . . Alexis thought, before drifting off to sleep.
(Time skip to the morning?)
Alexis yawned as she looked at Coco. She smiled and closed her eyes.
I love you more than my love for murdering people. . . Alexis thought, before drifting off to sleep.
Coco looked up at her, her correstpondent eyes sparkling a bit. "Good morning!" She said, kissing her chin softly.
Alexis opened her eyes slowly and yawned. She looked down at Coco and smiled. "Good morning sweetheart," She mumbled, not quite awake yet. She didn't even notice what she said until a couple of seconds later. Welp. I mean do I care? Not really. She thought.
Coco smiled, happily. "Good morning, love-" She teased, and giggled. This was her day. It was her birthday.
(ive just been rick-rolled- ;w;)
She kissed her jawline softly, hoping she wouldn't notice.
She giggled and smiled. "How did my princess sleep?" Alexis teased, not really noticing the kisses Coco was giving her. "Also Happy Birthday!"
Coco giggled. "She slept very well." She said, kissing her jaw softly before getting up, and changing- They were both girls, so Coco figured Alexis wouldn't mind if she changed in front of her-
(insert lenny face)
"That's good," Alexis said as she blushed a bit as Coco kissed her jaw softly. She looked at Coco before realizing what she was doing and looked away.
Coco sighed, putting on a pair of overalls that looked liek shorts with only the overall tops, they overalls were black with rhinestones on them. The shirt underneath it was white, with a alien on the shoulder part, and she put a pair of thigh-high stockings that seemed ot be striped, then black laced shoes that reached her ankles. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun, her messy bangs making it perfect-
Then, she put a pair of rose-tinted glasses on.
"How to I look?" She asked, twirling a bit with a giggle.
"Y-You look. . . stunning. Quite cute, too." Alexis responded with a smile. "I'll be right back." She said as she stood up and exited the room in search of the black bag she brought full of clothes. She found it and took out some clothes and quickly changed. When she returned, Alexis was wearing an orange sweater with a black skirt. Her curly dark brown hair was lowered down, which was something she didn't do often. "How do I look?" She asked.
Coco cooed, before hugging her. "Adorable!" She said, resting her chin on her chest, smiling happily.
Alexis smiled and looked down at Coco. "Not as adorable as you, though."
Coco's face flushed, as she puffed out her cheeks and looked away. "I-I- T-thanks.."
"You're even more adoarable when you're flustered," Alexis teased with a grin.
Coco growled, sticking her tongue out. "Ah! Shush!"
Alexis laughed. So, what does the birthday girl want to do today?"
Coco huffed- "I'mM nOt tHreE-" She squeaked- "But I thought I said I wanted to go to the bar- I'm sure they're open!" She smiled, happily.
"Well you're certianly acting like a three-year-old at the moment," She said with a small giggle. "Okay, but first you're going to have to eat something. I'm not letting you drink any alcohol unless you have something to eat."
Coco paused- "What is there to eat-?"
"I don't really know. I remember bringing some food yesterday . . ."
"COOKIES?!"She squealed.
"Yeah, I think I got cookies. . . and even some bagels or something that's round and it's bread. Probably doughnuts." She walked out of the room and to the kitchen, opening the black bag she had left on the counter last night. She pulled out a packet of cookies and a small box of doughnuts.
Coco walked next to her, excited. "Can I have one???"
"Sure, help yourself. I mean, this is going to have to be eaten either way." She sid as she grabbed a powdered doughnut.
Coco smiled happily, kissing her cheek. "Thank you!" She squealed-
(Do you wanna time skip to the bar-? Or-)
(Yeah. . )
After the girls had their breakfast, they made their way to the bar, which not so surprisingly, was on of the establishments that was still open, despite what was happening through the city. "It's somewhat full. Wasn't expecting that."
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