forum Boys will be boys (CLOSED MxM ROLEPLAY)(Stalkers welcomed and appreciated <3)
Started by @Fraust

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"Mm… should probably eat dinner soon but I'm crippled. I guess I'll just not eat." Rowan sighed softly. "I can't balance long enough to make anything."


“I’d offer to cook, but.. can’t fuckin’ make anything but mac n cheese and ramen.” Damien sat up a little more. “Your face feels really hot, man. You got a fever or something?”


"Uh… I-I dunno. Maybe." Rowan kept his face hidden. "I'm so fucking hungry… I haven't eaten anything since like, yesterday."


“Alright, gross. Well, don't get me sick..” Damien patted Rowan’s head. “You need me to get you something to eat?”


"I'll try my best…" Rowan sighed softly. "And yeah, probably. I really don't care what you make or bring. I'm starving."


“Yeah, okay. Let’s see.. if you’re, like.. vomiting and shit..” Damien trailed off, trying to remember what it was that his father had said to eat when he was sick. “Rice?”


"Sure, I don't care…" Rowan sighed again. "Anything is fine with me, Damien. Honestly. I just need to eat something."


“Yeah. Right.” Damien moved Rowan from his lap with a little struggle, ruffling his hair a final time before going to the pantry. He dug out a box of minute rice, following the instructions and sticking it in the microwave.


Rowan curled up into a tight ball on the couch, hugging his stomach. His stomach growled angrily, proving that he wasn't lying about being starving.


Damien stopped the microwave just before it began to beep, fluffing up the rice with a fork and bringing it back to Rowan. “Here you go. That should hold you over, right?”


Rowan nodded and dragged the bowl into the midst of his tight ball, shoving forkfuls of the rice into his mouth while his stomach continued grumbling.


“Don’t eat so much, dude, you’re gonna make yourself sick again. And I’m really not tryna see you vomit right now.” Damien got his phone back out, scrolling through his normal cycle of apps.


"I'm so hungry, though…" Rowan whined weakly, his stomach still growling angrily. He reluctantly slowed his pace for Damien's sake, but he was still starving. "I don't even fuckin like rice but this tastes so good…"


“You won’t be hungry in a few minutes, you’re just eating so fast ya can’t recognize it. I think.” Damien vaguely remembered that concept from science class, right?


"But I'm starving now and if I don't inhale this entire bowl I'm gonna scream." Rowan shoved more rice into his mouth.


“Okay, but consider this: if you eat it as a normal pace like a normal person, then you’ll be too busy to scream. How about that, huh?”


"But I'm so fuckin hungry and I need this all to be in my stomach immediately. I feel like death, Damien."


Rowan quickly finished the rest of the rice and curled up again to wait for his stomach to stop screaming at him. He whined softly and closed his eyes.


Damien sat next to him, leaning back against the couch. He was pretty quiet, still on his phone for a few more minutes.


Rowan huddled close to Damien, still whining. "I'm still hungryyyyy…" He sprawled dramatically across Damien's lap.


“Wait a few minutes.. rice is super filling, Ro, just wait for it to hit.” Damien patted Rowan’s forehead. “Just be patient, ‘cause I’m not getting up right now.”


“With your mouth.” Damien joked, stretching his arms above his head and resting them on the couch behind the two. “But.. I dunno, man? Sorry, but I got fucking school and shit.”