Josh shifted, looking down upon Gravity with a sleepy expression.
Josh shifted, looking down upon Gravity with a sleepy expression.
Gravity looked blearily up at Joshua, mumbling something like a good morning back, but it wasn't quite comprehensible. She felt warm and snuggly, and didn't want to wake up. It wasn't normal that she had company, so it was nice to wake up and find someone there.
He sat up, stretching out his lanky arms with a shudder.
Gravity wasn't a morning person in the least, so she just grumbled softly to herself and pulled the covers over her head before poking a hand out to grope around for her stuffy.
Josh let out a faint gasp when Gravity's hand mistakenly touched his leg, some previously-unknown feeling coursing through his veins.
Gravity knew that wasn't her stuffy, so she just pulled her hand away and peeked out so she could grab her stuffy, mumbling an apology.
(Your turn)
The male leaned down, lips crashing against Gravity's in a sort of gasp. What happened next was dizzying for him as much as it was for her, a tangle of limbs, a dance of lips on skin.
Gravity's eyes flew open and she squeaked, freezing in place but just lay there, her eyes fluttering shut as she gently, and carefully kissed back, her heart pounding with fear that he'd push her away.
Joshua moved his hands down over her body, fingers skimming along the pink flesh. He murmured sweet nothings as he did.
Gravity's arms reached up and looped around the taller male, pulling him down against her, her body hot against him, her lips slipping from his lips to trail down his jaw and onto his neck.
Starskape tilted his head back, letting out a low, throaty moan. The glow his body gave off was growing brighter, lighting up the ethereal scene before them.
Gravity's breath was hitching, and she shivered under him, her eyes fluttering open again to see the markings all over Joshua's body glowing. She traced her fingers lightly over the gills on one side of his neck while her lips dragged over the others.
He gasped, lips parting in a cry.
Gravity flipped the two of them around so she was on top of him, her lips tracing along the alien's throat. "Mmmph~…" She loved this, but knew she'd probably have to stop soon….
(sksksk i don't know what to write, this is getting hella nsfw and i'm not sure if we should take it to pms or not)
(pfft. Nah, I'll draw it away from the lime, unless you wanna go to the pms. If not, I'll just have Gravity feel hungry or something and she'll pull away to go get food.)
(Hey, sorry I've been inactive. With everything going on, I've been busy.)
(But yeah, hold off on the lime please.)
Gravity then had a memory hit her like a hammer. It was suddenly hard for her to breathe. 'No. No, I shouldn't be doing this…' She pulled away abruptly and climbed off the alien, standing up and grabbing her heart as it started acting funny again. She stumbled for the bathroom and scrambled in the medicine cabinet, grasping for the right pill bottle. She tried shaking one out, but the contents spilled everywhere. SHe ignored this and grabbed one, dry-swallowing it before sitting down in the middle of the mess, massaging her heart and clenching her jaw, waiting for the pain to stop.
(oh fuck, I lowkey forgot about this)
(shrugs We can drop it if you want, I don’t give a fuck.)
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