The alien's eyes glazed over for a moment in thought as he recapped what he'd just been through.
The alien's eyes glazed over for a moment in thought as he recapped what he'd just been through.
Gravity dropped to the ground and looked over her shoulder. "Hey. You okay…?" her voice was soft, her eyes showing her concern as she continued walking towards the edge of the woods.
Joshua blinked away his thoughts and nodded, catching up to Gravity.
Gravity took his hand as the emerged into the backyard of a house that was relatively isolated. She guided him to the back porch and let go of him to fumble around with her keys before unlocking the door and stepping inside. "Here we are! Emoh sweet emoh." she chuckled to herself as she walked through the kitchen to get a glass for some water for herself. She glanced at Josh, gesturing to the glass to ask if he wanted something to drink, if he did at all. She didn't know how his species worked.
Joshua shook his head, eyes flickering rapidly as he took in the strange surroundings. The more he noticed, the more he realized that there were some uncanny similarities to his homeworld.
(The hell? How are you on???)
(sub in math -u-)
Gravity tilted her head and filled her glass with water before glugging it quickly. She had swung herself up to sit on a counter.
The boy trotted over to Gravity, looking around the room in curiosity.
Gravity watched him as she set her glass down then pulled her hair over her shoulder and began braiding it.
(sub in math -u-)
Josh glanced towards Gravity, then wandered over to the fridge. He furrowed his brows and knocked on the metal door, then opened it. The alien's eyes widened in shock, and he quickly began going through its contents, examining each one thoroughly.
Gravity hopped down, having finished braiding her hair out of her face and walked up behind him, gently taking a small container of leftover lasagna out of his hands then grabbing a fork and began to eat quickly, not even bothering to heat it up.
"What this?" He inquired, tilting his head as he held up a bottle of chlorine. He had moved on to the cabinets by now.
Gravity quickly darted and took it from him, her eyes big with fear, afraid of what he might do with it. "Cleaning liquid. Poison for humans."
He frowned, reaching for it.
"Not human.."
Gravity breath quickened, scared he'd get hurt, but she allowed him to pull the jug from her fingers.
Joshua opened the bottle and stuck two fingers in it, then quickly wrote letters in the air. The chlorine reacted with the strange chemical on his skin that made the letters glow and hang in the air.
Gravity's eyes widen with awe and she became mesmerized, stepping closer slowly and reaching up with her trembling fingers, her breath quiet. She hadn't turned on the lights so the glowing effect only increased with the darkness.
Josh's face broke into a shy smile, and he held out his hand to the girl.
"Won't hurt you.."
He then paused, eyes widening in slight shock as he realized that he spoke properly.
Gravity was almost in a trance. She stepped through the letters in the air to Joshua, her eyes big, bright, and absent. She touched her fingers to his hand, her head tilting at the glowing fingers.
The boy stepped forward, eyes glazing over as he inclined his head towards her.
Gravity's body drifted even closer to his and she could only watch the alien in an almost dream-like state, her animal instincts telling her to run now, but only faintly.
Without thinking, Joshua's lips brushed along Gravity's like a gentle caress.
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