He laughed softly, passing him a few more pieces before finishing the rest off agong with a roll of bread
He laughed softly, passing him a few more pieces before finishing the rest off agong with a roll of bread
Tolly polished off the rest of his sandwich and then happily ate the morsels from Cas' plate, along with the last two bread rolls. "What's this place called? I need to be able to find it later."
"Jarchiaco." Cas said, taking a sip of his drink. "Named after a famous elemental." Cas explained, looking over the menu for desserts
Tolly nodded, carefully storing the name away in his head. He peeked over Cas' shoulder curiously when he realized he was reading something and then perked up when he realized it was a dessert menu. "We get more food?"
Cas laughed and nodded "unless you're stuffed and don't want dessert," he said, showing him the menu. "My personal favorite is the sorrel, lavender, coconut fine shaved ice with warm sugar donuts, but you can choose anything you like."
"Oh, I'm never too full for dessert!" Tolly scooted closer and looked over the menu with eager eyes. It was a little easier to understand than the dinner one but not much so he just nodded along with whatever Cas suggested. "Aright, then I'll split that with you! Um… if that's alright."
"yeah! Of course st's okay. I can never manage to eat it alone anyways, have to have mom and dad help." He waited for the waitress to pass by to order the dessert. Lia and Lucian politely turned downtdessert for the day and contently rested against each other, talking quietly among themselves
Tolly grinned gratefully, tossing his arm across Cas' shoulders so he could pull him close. "Well it's a good thing I offered then, I think your parents are in their own little world right now."
He nodded and laughed softly, reaching up to kiss his cheek. "Don't worry, once the dessert comes they'll come around to eating."
Tolly laughed and leaned down so Cas didn't have to reach so far to kiss his cheek. "I'm sure. I think you'd have to be crazy to skip a meal here."
He shook his head "it's basically a sin at this point if you don't have dessert." He laughed, nuzzling comfortably into tolly u til the dessert came
Tolly laughed, letting Cas snuggle close and only pulling away far enough to grab a spoon once their dessert arrived. It looked delicious, just like every other piece of food they'd seen, but he was hesitant to dig in before Cas had a couple bites.
Cas grabbed a spoon and took a small scoop of the ice cream as well as a mini sugar donut. He popped the spoonful into his mouth with a smile "go ahead, is's really good!"
Tolly nodded and dug in, munching happily on the icecream and then possing a donut into his mouth with a happy sigh. "This place is officially my favorite. How do they make everything taste so good?"
Cas twirled his spoon around to signify those around him "it's all local, from the meat to the herbs and ingredients used." He explained, taking another spoonful of ice cream. "They know where everything comes from."
"Dang." Tolly eyes the icecream appreciatively before he took another bite. "I didn't even know you could find all that stuff around here. I mean… we're not exactly in the best place for farming."
"small businesses like mom and dad's help out. Sometimes they have to outsource but it's very reliable." He popped the sugar donut into his mouth and passed the last one to Tolly
Tolly smiled and popped it into his mouth, nodding when Cas explained how they sourced things. "Sounds neat. How do you know so much about this place anyways?"
"We're good friends with the owners." He said, leaning back and letting tolly finish the rest "I knew their daughter before she went off to college a few years ago. Really nice girl,"
"Damn, really?" Tolly looked around it appreciatively, enjoying the little window into Cas' personal life. "No wonder your mom's so good at cooking, she must've picked up a bunch of tips from this place."
He laughed softly "or the other way around. Yeah." He glanced up as the waiter came by, pulling out his card and handing to him. "My treat this time." He said with a grin at tolly and his parents
Tolly shook his head, leaning a bit closer to Cas. "I can get my part of the meal, it's really no problem."
"too late, I gave the card to the waiter already. Plus it's my treat." He said, leaned into Tolly.
"But it's expensive," Tolly protested, tossing an arm across his shoulders. "I'll pay you back when we get to the dorms."
Cas blushed as a million thoughts went through his head as tolly said that he'd pay him back. "It's really not that much, we pay less since we give them ingredients
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