forum A witchy one on one (closed)
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Deleted user

Tolly laughed and his smile was soft and bright as he tilted his head to kiss Cas back. "See? Even if the potion hadn't happened, we still would've ended up together. It's all good."


Cas realized Tolly was right and smiled wider. "Yeah, I guess we would have." He nuzzled tolly's cheek and pressed another kiss to his mouth "

Deleted user

Tolly kissed him back, spilling Cas across the couch so he could crawl on top of him and kiss him harder. "Life has a funny way of working out like that," he said, smiling and breathless as he pulled away.


Cas wrapped his arms around tolly's neck as they kissed, panting slightly as the other pulled away "yeah, It annoyingly does," he teased, pulling tolly closer so he could be warm

Deleted user

Tolly grinned, all but collapsing on top of Cas as he was yanked down. "Oh shut up, you love me. You'd be so sad if we never got together."


"I do love you and yes, I'd be devasted if we were never together, I don't think I'd be able to go on with life if I didn't have you." He laughed and nudged into Tolly's neck, pressing light kisses to his lips and neck

Deleted user

Tolly frowned, though he looked a little less troubled as he leaned into the onslaught of kisses. "Can we not talk like that? About… not being able to go on and stuff. 'Cause I'm sure you would, after a couple years of healing, but I.. I don't like thinking about it."


Cas blinked "I'm sorry, i-I didn't mean it like that, I just…don't think i'd live a very happy life without you." He gently stroked his cheek and offered a small smile. "I'm sorry, "

Deleted user

Tolly swallowed and nodded, leaning into the hand on his cheek with a happy sigh. "Alright," He murmured. "I know you didn't mean anything by it, it's just… sad. I don't wanna think about you going through something like that."

Deleted user

Tolly melted into it, letting a soft sound fall from his lips as he brought a hand up to cup Cas' face.

Deleted user

Tolly made another little sound and pulled away, dragging Cas up into a sitting position. "We should… um… we should go to my room. In case Levi decides to come out here again."


Cas pulled away slightly and nodded "yeah, probably a good idea." He untangled himself from Tolly and waited to shift off the couch

Deleted user

Tolly hummed and pecked him on the lips, slowly pulling himself up off the couch. He pulled Cas up alongside him, linking their fingers as he pulled him over to his bedroom.

Deleted user

Tolly's room was simple. There was a bed pushed into the corner with blue-grey blankets, a desk made of white wood with a metal chair, and a bookshelf pressed against the back wall. The walls were a pale shade of yellow. He plopped down on the bed happily, pulling Cas with him.

Deleted user

Tolly yanked the bed's blankets up over them, cuddling close to Cas and tucking him up against his chest. "I love you. You're so sweet."


Cas snuggled close to him "I love you too Tolly." He nuzzled into his neck and pressed light kisses to his shoulder

Deleted user

All the tension melted out of Tolly with a happy sigh, leaving him cozy and relaxed as he cuddled closer to Cas. He leaned down for a kiss, soft and more than a little sleepy as he moved his lips clumsily against Cas'. He knew he should be scared about what would happen when the potion wore off, but he couldn't bring himself to be Now when Cas was right here. "I wanna be with you forever."


Cas wrapped his arms around Tolly's neck as they kissed, accepting the long kisses happily. "Me too," he murmured against his lips "forever sounds nice,"

Deleted user

Tolly smiled, sweet and hazy, and leaned in for something a little deeper. A little more heated, even though he kept it slow. "Yeah," he said, and his voice was husky. "Especially when it's with you."


A light blush rose on Cas' face as the kiss became deeper and more intimate. He tilted his head slightly and drew over Tolly's lips slowly. He traced the muscles in tolly's upper back as they rippled when he moved

Deleted user

Tolly kissed him like it was the only thing in life that really mattered. His muscles tensed and relaxed beneath Cas' hands, tightening as he shifted into a more comfortable position, loosening as he relaxed with a soft sigh.