forum True loves kiss (Lesbian romance O/O)
Started by @Spider-man

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Aurelie followed her, throwing away hers as well. Anything would be fun as long as you’re there, she thought. Did I really just think that? “Anything is better than sitting around worrying about my birthday,” she confessed instead.


Cat nodded. “Yeah I guess so. Follow me I know something close,” she said walked down a path that lead closer to a wooded area.


“Wow,” Aurelie breathed quietly behind her. She was definitely entranced by the simple beauty of the woods and the path. It was quite different from the usual sculpted and uniform palace gardens.


Aurelie followed, still looking around her at the beautiful day and the vibrant forest. She hurried up a bit to be closer to Cat when she noticed that she was lagging behind.


Aurelie gazed at it, her jaw dropping a bit before looking at Cat. Her breath caught upon seeing the other girl, haloed in the light, looking as beautiful as any of the scenery. She looked like an angel, with the light hitting her just so. Aurelie quickly looked back at the lake. "It's pretty," she commented.


"I know it's beautiful," She said her back to Aurelie. she walked to a small rocky beach-like area. She sat down on a large rock. Looking over at Aurelie and smiling wide. Watching the princess as the wind hit her and made her hood fall down. "No one ever comes here."


“That’s part of its beauty,” Aurelie joked, the strands of hair that had fallen out of her bun flying in the wind. She took a deep breath. “Even the air is clearer up here.”


Cat nodded. "Yeah plus the water's really warm," She said taking off her shows and holding up her dress to her knees. She walked ankle-deep into the water.


Aurelie took off her stockings and shoes, lifting up her skirts as well as she stepped into the water. She giggled. “It’s like a bath,” she remarked happily.


Cat chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess it is. Do you know how to swim?" She asked stripping out of her dress but she was wearing underclothes that still covered everything. she threw her dress on a rock.


Aurelie blushed, averting her eyes politely in spite of Cat’s undergarments. “Sort of. Like, I probably won’t drown or anything but I’m not very good at it,” she responded.


Aurelie smiled, going under the water. She opened her eyes, studying the bottom of the lake as her hair floated around her, her bun looking on the verge of coming undone completely.


Cat went under with her. Her hair was loose and all around her. She watched Aurelie explore the lake with a large smile. Swimming closer to her.