”ok, truth or dare?” He asked. His smile going soft again. He turned around turning off the oven before they forget.
”ok, truth or dare?” He asked. His smile going soft again. He turned around turning off the oven before they forget.
"Hmm…dare!" Cal said with his same sweet smile he always had. Usually, he would pick truth, but it felt kind of boring to him at this point.
Finn thought for a long moment. He was never good at the dare part of truth or dare. "I dare you to… give me your phone unlocked for one minute!" he said smirking.
"Dang it!" Cal pouted as he unlocked his phone and handed it to Finn. Besides a bunch of pastel picture shoots he did, memes, and cat pictures, there wasn't much on his phone. Waitt, me and Marka were talking about my crush on Finn recently!
(what app would that be on) Finn put on a timer for one minute and then spammed a bunch of pictures of himself making weird faces. That only took up a few seconds before he got bored and scanned his apps.
(Whatsapp fine??) He giggled at Finn spamming his weird face selfies. Definitelyy posting those later. His eyes watched closely to see what app Finn chose next, but looked up a little bored, not remembering his Whatsapp was left open.
Finn double-tapped the home bottom to see what apps Cal’s been on recently. He saw Whatsapp and pressed it. ”ohh who's Marka?” he asked. He wasn't going to read the massages not wanting to be an ass but then he saw his name.
"Oh Marka? Thats my bestfriend!" He said with a grin. Upon hearing her name Cal's face flooded with emotions only a best friend can give you. He was too happy to realize that Finn had seen his name in their texts.
Finn read one of the texts with his name. The adorable blush that was constantly on Cal’s cheeks when Finn was close gave away that the other boy found him attractive but Finn didn't think it was a full-blown crush. He exited WhatsApp right when the alarm went off. ”ok your turn!” he said handing Cal his phone back.
Cal almost sighed in relief out loud, hoping Finn didn't exactly read any of his and Marka's 'crush' chats. "Sweet!" He said in a sweet tone, grabbing his phone gently and setting it aside again. "Truth or dare?"
”Truth, ” he answered not fully paying attention. He was still thinking about what he read and if he should say something.
"Have you ever done anything embarrassing in front of a whole crowd?" He asked, curios to see if Finn had. The other boy seemed to be the confident type to Cal, something he wished he was.
Finn paused deep in thought. ”I used to do dancing when I was younger. As one of the only boys in the class, I was given the job of catching the girls. Everyone said that this one girl really liked me and that she was going to kiss me when I caught her during the recital so when this 13-year-old girl was flying towards me I froze up and let her fall, ” Finn rambles cheeks heating up. ”yeah the girl's mom wasn't too happy and I couldn't go back to that school.”
Cal stared at Finn shocked, trying to hold in a giggle. Eventually he couldn't hold it in and giggled lightly. "Sorry for laughing, but wow! I would have froze up too if that had happened to me." An image of young Finn just letting that girl fall came into his mind causing him to lightly smile at the adorable thought. "Your turn!"
Finn chuckled slightly at his own memory and Cal's adorable look. "I'm not sure what else I was supposed to do if she kissed me it would have ruined the entire dance! Truth or dare?" He asked still smiling wide.
"Hmm that's true! And truth!" Cal said with another slight giggle. If there was one thing he was glad for at the moment, it was the fact he and Finn were actually getting to know each other. Even if he is just straight…we can still just be friends! Yeah..
(Ngl, writing that broke my heart a little lol)
(Oof I relate to Cal way too much rn)
Finn was deep in thought biting his lip slightly. "how about…When and who was your first kiss?" He asked picking the cheesiest truth he could think of.
(Tbh I didn't realize how much I relate to that until now-)
Cal blushed madly and tried to cover up his cheeks with his sleeves so it wouldn't be as noticeable. "Oh um…I-i was 15 and I don't exactly count it as a k-kiss, and his name was Jacob."
Finn tried to hold back his smile. He didn’t want Cal to think he was laughing at him or something he just looked so cute. “Why don't you count it?” He asked tilting his head slightly.
"W-well, I didn't exactly want him to kiss me, at all." Cal said with a small sigh. It was true, he didn't want Jacob to kiss him, he even made it known it wasn't wanted. "But thats in the past!" He said with a small, sad smile.
Finn's smile faltered. He racked through his memory trying to find a ’Jacob’ ”I guess it is..” he said.
"His last name is Calvin." Cal responded softly, as if he read Finn's mind.
Finn nodded not recognizing his name but making a note in his head. He knew he shouldn't but he felt protective and sort of jealous.
Cal smiled with a nervous and embarrassed smile, his light blush still tinting his cheeks. "Anyways….I believe it's my turn?"
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