@Elliott-isnt-dead! group
"Ok!" Cal said with a big smile before noticing Finn's slight smirk. He blushed slightly and led him to the living room area.
"Ok!" Cal said with a big smile before noticing Finn's slight smirk. He blushed slightly and led him to the living room area.
Finn followed sitting down on the couch. ”Do you want to ask first?” he asked his smirk turning back to a small smile.
"Sure!" Cal took a moment to think of some questions before asking. Hmm..I got it! (Idk how to format this soo lol)
"What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite color?
You got anything you hate?
Which is better, being asleep or awake?
If you had a superpower what would it be?
What's the coolest thing ever?
Which is better, being yourself or something else?
What type of person do you like best? Cal asked, not thinking of what the last question was.
(Sorry this took so long I had a lot to do)
(it's ok)
Finn thought for a long second. ”umm I love cats and color is purple. I hate disappointing people. Being awake. Invisibility. I don't really have a nickname but…” he paused having to think again. ”the sign name my sister gave me is Fish.” he signs ’fish’ as he says it. ”Depends on what that other thing is but I can't really leave poppy behind so I'd have to say myself. What was the last one again?” he asked trying to think back?
"I think it was what type of person you like best?" Cal said looking slightly towards the kitchen as the smell of cake wafted through the air slowly. He had been so distracted he hadn't of noticed just what exactly he had been saying. Looking back from the kitchen, he looked at Finn and smiled softly.
"If you're asking what my type is I guess shorter than me, good with kids, kind and smart. If you are talking friends I guess the same thing personality-wise," Finn answered smiling softly. "My turn?"
Cal took a moment to process what was said before he realized what the original question was. Blushing a strawberry red he nodded slightly, hoping Finn thought he meant friend wise. "Y-yeah."
Finn's smile widened slightly. He tried not to think about how cute Cal's blush was.
"Ok then… What do you like to do?
What season is your favorite?
Do you like any sports?
Do you know any other languages?
The most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
What's your favorite food?
What's your star sign?
Have you ever been in a relationship?]
Have you always lived here?
…When did you know that you're gay?"
After he finished he looked down at their phone to see that they only had a few minutes left. Cal will have just enough time to answer the questions before they had to go check on the cake. He tried not to think too hard about what he asked.
Cal blushed a little more red at the last question but tried to not get too flustered by it.
"Well let's see…I love to play with little kittens and kids.
Autumn is definitely my favorite season!
Hmm….volleyball is kinda nice.
I know japanese!
Probably squeal out of excitement about a kitten in the middle of study hall heh.
Either ramen or yakitori.
Um…yeah it wasn't the best.
Mostly! I lived in Hawaii for almost a year!
Oh um…I guess I just always knew, especially for the fact that I would only ever be attracted to boys never girls."
It surprised him that Finn would ask him such a question, he hadn't expected of all questions that him being gay was going to be asked. He shrugged it off just thinking Finn needed another question, that's all. Sadly..
Finn went to comment on the relationship answer but then his alarm whent off. We better go check on the cake," He said standing up.
"O-oh yeah ok." Cal stood up slowly, slightly looking down so he wouldn't make eye contact with Finn. He didn't want to make anything awkward.
”can you get me a knife and an oven mitt?” He asked. ”then you can ask me some more question if you want to continue the game.”
Cal grabbed a knife and (oven mitt??) and handed them to him softly. Taking a moment to think, he thought of a question quick. "Why did you…ask me about how I knew I was gay?"
(oof I fixed it hate typing on my phone)
Finn shrugged as he opened the oven. His cheeks heated up. ”I was just wondering plus It's hard to come up with 10 questions, ” he said his smile turning nervous. He slowly stabbed the cake with the knife. It came out clean. He put on the oven mitt and took the cake out of the oven placing it on the stove. ”sorry if it was weird. I shouldn't have asked.”
(oof, I only use computer lol)
Cal looked at the cake in awe, a look any person would deem adorable, but that left after a few seconds once he nodded at what Finn said. "Oh um ok…no need to smile nervously I get that." He said with a slight chuckle. "And it's fine, i'm constantly asked that, I guess i'm used to it."
(I usually use my computer but it's going to die and I don't want to get up to get my charger)
Finn got a glimpse of Cal's adorable expression before it disappeared. ”Do you have any icing?” he asked trying to change the subject.
(That's a mood)
Cal scratched the back of his neck, now feeling awkward. "Y-yeah." He went and grabbed some from the cabinet, a unreadable look resting on his face.
”Great! Let's let the cake cool off, ” Finn said. ”It should only take a few minutes then we can decorate!”
"Oh yay! That's the best part!" He said excitedly in an adorable manner. Decorating was always the one part of baking he was good at.
Finn but his lip slightly as he watched Cal. ”it is a lot of fun! What do you want to do while we wait?” he asked.
"Hmm.." Cal sat there trying to think, he adorable face still intact since he couldn't wait to decorate the cake. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" He asked with a smile.
Finn shrugged leaning against the counter. ”I'm not sure. We can play truth or dare. I haven't played in years, ” he suggested smiling wide.
Cal immediately smiled widely. "That's a great idea! I can't remember the last time I played!" He said with a light giggle. "You go first!"
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