forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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“Whatever you want,” She said, looking up at him with bright eyes, “Do you want to keep exploring or head back?” Looking around the forest again, she thought of the deer.


He glanced down at her a smiled softly "we'll keep going a bit. Then we'll head back." He decided, kissing her themple as they wandered off


She nodded and hummed when he kissed her temple, walking alongside him with a bounce in her step. She had no clue where this new happiness and energy had come from but she suspected it was from seeing the deer, that wasn’t something you saw every day.


He smiled "we have to visit the forests in asgard soon. It's nothing compared to his but it's still nice to go at times."


“I’d like that,” She said with a smile, nodding in agreement, “And I’m sure it’s as nice as this, just in its own way.”


He nodded "they are. I think you'll like it. The creatures there are usually much more accepting of visitors than here."


“Are there similar animals there?” She asked, a curious sparkle in her eye, “Like the deer? Or are they all unique?”


Loki thought for a moment, his geography of Asgard and those who inhabited it a bit off since he traveled between realms so much "I'm fairly certain there's a creature similar to deer here, though I think it's smaller and they come in different colors, not just neutrals like here."


Avalin nodded, her eyes sparkling as she nodded, “Are there any other cool animals there? Or ones like those on earth?”


He smiled softly at seeing the light enter his light "a few, Some are the same, some are compley different


“What is your favorite?” She asked curiously, wandering around the forest as she tried to imagine the animals on Asgard compared to the ones here.


"I'm drawn to serpents that live around the lakes." He said, "they're very different from here but still amazing In Their own way."


She nodded, glancing at him with a smile, “What are they like?” Avalin felt like she was asking questions she should know the answers to but she didn’t care, she was curious, and he had been out in the forest of Asgard before.


Loki smiled, happy to indulge her interests. "Well, that depends on which one you speak about, the more dangerous are usually smaller and red in color while the docile ones are bright green and have a sort of sheen to them."


Her eyes brightened as she imagined the snakes, hoping she could see at least one of the green ones when they went back to Asgard. “They sound awesome. Are there any other interesting animals?”


"a few others. Some flying creatures, much like birds here but scaled I stead of feathered. A few different kinds of predators that are usually best left alone."


“Wow..” It was clear she was deep in thought about them as they wandered into the forest again, her eyes still sparkling with the new and exciting knowledge about Asgard she just learned.


He nodded and glanced around, spotting various plants and small animals. He pointed to some"there's a chipmunk and some squirrels."


She stopped when she saw the chipmunk, amazed at how cute it was but not knowing if it was dangerous. Glancing at Loki, she asked, “Is it dangerous? It’s really cute, too cute and small to not be dangerous.” She crouched down and watched it, head tipped to the side slightly.


He laughed softly "no, they're not dangerous. They'll just run if they feel your getting too close. Skittish little creatures."


Avalin stood as well, glancing up at him and rocking on her feet, “Well, what are we going to do now? Do you want to keep walking or should we go see what else there is to do here?”