forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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Loki glanced down at Queenie who was squirming in his arm "you want to explore too?" He asked with a laugh. He set her down in the grass and watched as she stumbled around, picking at grass and sniffing about


She laughed and slowed down so she could watch Queenie, tempted to let Spot off his leash so he could run around as well.


Loki scooped the kitten back up into his arm and started to head towards the wooded area of the park "alright, that's enough exploring for you," he said softly, glancing back at Avalin and waiting


Avalin smiled lightly and made her way to him, looking towards the wooded part with a happy look on her face, “Ready to explore?”


She nodded and her smile grew as she headed into the forest with Spot sniffing along beside her. She looked around and was soon just admiring the trees as she wandered further into the woods.


Loki followed a few feet away, letting her go off by herself and walking around while keeping a close eye do she didn't lose herself among the tree's


He smiled back, happy that she was enjoying herself on Earth but also a little disheartened that they had to leave in few days.


As she wandered deeper into the forest with Spot by her side, her mind started to wander as well-to all the different things they did on the trip so far, what their future could hold, and their past from when they met.


"what are you thinking about, my queen?" He asked softly even though no one was around to hear, coming up behind her and wrapping her in his arms.


“Just..everything,” She replied, resting back against him with a smile, “This amazing planet, what our future might bring, how we met, what new things I’ve learned from everyone on Earth.” She turned around in his arms and looked up at him, “You especially, my love.”


He glanced down at her and smiled "quite a lot on your mind my dear. How have I warrented your interest amongst all those other thoughts?" He asked softly


“You’ve helped make all my favorite memories from here, and from all the times I’ve been thinking about.” She shrugged and smiled, “Hopefully we can make good memories in the future as well.”


He kissed her brow, keeping his lips in place "we will my dear, I can promise you that." He said sincerely


Avalin nodded and rested against him, her eyes closing as she just listened to the forest and smiled. It was nice out here, and quiet except for the birds and animals.


He tucked her under his chin and stroked her hair, glancing around the forest and watching the movement around them from the birds and animals. He lightly tapped Acalins should let and pointed dehind her "turn slowly and stay quiet." He whispered, keeping his eyes on the deer a few yards away


She nodded and did as he said, turning slowly around in his arms and staying silent. An amazed smile crossed her face when she saw the deer and she watched it quietly, softly saying, “Wow…it’s beautiful.”


Loki pulled her down down with him in a ceouch. He nodded and smiled pointing to another, much smaller deer next to the larger one "I think it's a mom, which means…" He glanced around "ah, the father is right over there." He pointed a few yards away from the mother and baby to a tall stag with large antlers


“They’re amazing,” She murmured, her eyes flicking to each of the deer with a smile, “The little one especially.” The fawn caught her eye, and from the look of it, it was really quite young.


"must be pretty young, still has cuts spots and is a bit shaky while walking." He mused slowly starting ding and backing away "well loop around to give them space."


He glanced around and started walking backwards, careful not to make much noise and they left to walk around the woods more


He smiled to himself, still thinking about the deer. "Want to explore more or head back?" He asked once they were a good distance away from the deer