forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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"she has a point." Loki pulled out the cash to pay for the food as Lillian came back to give them the check


Lillian smiled "speaking of which, I have to get you that recipe." She hurried back to the counter and grabbed a sheet of paper, handing it over to Avalin "in case you want to make the drink at home."


Her face brightened and she nodded, “Thank you, I almost forgot to get it.” She took the piece of paper and tucked it away carefully, not wanting it to get ruined before she could try it.


Lillian nodded "no problem." Loki got up with Queenie, getting ready to leave. "Thank you for the millionth time Lillian for everything." He hugged the woman tightly
"Don't mention it. now I don't want to see either of you back here until you bring me godchildren."
Loki laughed "we'll see, no promises."


Avalin’s smile grew and she stood up, letting Spot hop down beside her as she grabbed his leash so he didn’t run off, “Thanks as well Lillian, I’m sure we’ll be back sometime.”


She smiled softly "behave you two, I know what sort of antics you guys get into. Don't let your husband get into too much trouble." She winked and headed back to the counter.
Loki smiled and shook his head "I don't get into that much trouble…" He laughed and guided Avalin out the door


"oh really? And what sort of 'trouble' have I've gotten into recently?" He asked, glancing down at her with a smile


“Bringing me here,” She said with a smile, looking back up at him, “That in its own was a huge mistake, I’m getting attached to Earth.”


"that's not trouble, call it happy accident….that was done on purpose." He glanced around and headed down a street


He sighed and smiled "I still don't think it counts." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head "


"you'd actually be surprised on how well I thought through our honeymoon, dear." He laughed softly


She laughed and raised an eyebrow, “That does surprise me, I kinda assumed you just were doing whatever popped into your mind.”


He shook his head "nope, I wanted this to go smoothly, not that my spur of the moment to ideas don't go smoothly, but I wanted to be certain with this one." He smiled and took her hand in his, lacing their fingers together


Her smile reappeared and she squeezed his hand as their fingers intertwined, “Well, I’d say it’s gone smoothly so far, and it feels very thought out when I think back on what we’ve done so far.”


"good." He kissed her temple and glanced up "I think we're here," he said, looking out onto a park. "We just need to cross the park."


She nodded and glanced down at Spot, who’s tail was wagging furiously. “You up for the challenge buddy?” She asked, her face brightening when he tugged on his leash towards the park, “Alright, we’ll cross the park and then we’ll be there.”


Loki smiled down at the dog "crazy little furball." He teased, starting to walk through the park


She rolled her eyes and smiled, “An adorable furball.” Avalin walked alongside him and looked around the park, admiring the plants and everything else.