forum Oh, It's You Again // O/O // Closed
Started by @bubblegum

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Scipio lay his head back on the couch, staring at the ceiling with a slight smirk. "This is fun."


"How…how long has it been since you've…been out of the cell?" He asked, looking over to Scipio with those innocent doe eyes of his.


"Quite some time. It's nice. Well, I'm going to go shower." Scipio swung his legs off the couch and went into the bathroom.


Bridge pressed his lips together, rather nervous being in the break room alone now. He didn't know when anyone was going to come back in, let alone if Bridge would be the only one in the room when they did.


Scipio came back in about five to ten minutes, wearing the same clothes as before, but with very fluffy hair. He lay back down on the couch, noting that still no guards had come in.


Bridge glanced up as he came in, glad that he was back. But his hair. It…looked like a cloud. A very fluffy, black cloud.


Scipio stared at the ceiling again. "It feels a lot better to shower in a private area rather than the community ones. You should try it."


"I mean, yeah. I just did, so…" Scipio shrugged. "You're welcome to. The guards haven't found us yet."


Scipio crossed his ankles and watched the door, blowing some hair out of his eyes. Nothing happened while Bridge was showering.


((I enjoy how they both are just entirely ignoring the previous scene and any side effects that went along with it))
Bridge returned in the same clothes as well, looking mostly the same: The same golden eyes, pale skin, black freckles, and coarse white hair.


(Yep. It'll come back. Scipio just ignores things he doesn't want to deal with sometimes)
"Oh, you're back. Feels nice, doesn't it?" Scipio smiled a bit, looking over at Bridge. His hair still hadn't lost any of its volume.


((its just funny to me, having this long emotional scene and then completely ignoring it))
Bridge nodded with a small smile, sitting back on the couch, cross-legged this time. Some of his anxiety seemed to have washed away, although certainly not all. And then his gaze returned to Scipio's hair. It looked…so soft. If only some could fall so that Bridge could fix it.


(Yeah XD)
Scipio observed Bridge and where the other's eyes were going. "You know, you can touch it if you want."


Bridge smiled just the tiniest bit - a small, shy one - and reached to touch his hair. It was softer than before, and…well, Bridge liked it.


In the moment of silence, and through his mild anxiety about being found, Bridge thought about the scene beforehand, blushing a little as he did so. It was…an interesting way to get Bridge to know, and he now knew he very much liked when Scipio spoke Italian, or with his accent. He also knew he very much liked Scipio, and Scipio liked him.


Scipio blushed a bit as well as Bridge ran his fingers through his hair. Something about it just felt really good to him, and he seemed content.