Scipio swore in Italian. "This… t-this is quite strange. I am not sure if I like it."
(He's still sort of transitioning from Italian to English, so his accent is stronger and he doesn't use contractions)
Scipio swore in Italian. "This… t-this is quite strange. I am not sure if I like it."
(He's still sort of transitioning from Italian to English, so his accent is stronger and he doesn't use contractions)
((That's what I thought))
"Well, I…" Bridge looked to the floor, then back to him. "I…I like you…too."
"Yes, Lo so." My heart is pounding… am I ill? Scipio seemed a bit anxious, almost.
Scipio's small reaction made Bridge pretty sure he had already known, and perhaps mentioned it earlier when he was speaking Italian. He couldn't help but smile at how confused Scipio was. "Is…is your heart pounding?"
Scipio nodded. "I'm not ill, am I?" He held two fingers up to his own neck to check his pulse.
He shook his head with a small giggle. Scipio's own anxiety was making him forget his own. "No…it just happens when you're…nervous, or embarrassed, or something…like that."
"Why? I don't like it…" Scipio said quietly, letting his hand fall to his side.
He shrugged. "I…I don't know. It just happens."
"What're you two talking about?" Dave smirked, leaning against the cell door. Scipio quickly went over and started swearing profusely and angrily in Italian. "Oh, been speaking Italian, have we?"
((are you freaking kidding me oml Dave))
Bridge pressed his lips together, smile immediately fading as he fell silent.
(He gotta ruin it)
"Entra qui e combatti contro di me come un uomo!" Scipio yelled. Dave seemed to actually understand him. "Oh, if you insist, Scorpion." Dave unlocked the door and came inside, where he was tackled by Scipio.
Bridge flinched, bringing his knees up to his chest as he watched the two fight. A little voice in the back of his head asked how Dave had known what he'd said, but he quieted it for now.
Dave had Scipio pinned down for a few seconds simply because he was larger, but Scipio soon found a way to retaliate. Once he was back on his feet, he elbowed Dave hard in the temple and kneed his stomach, rendering him unconscious.
Bridge looked up from behind his knees, raising his head fully when he realized Dave was unconscious.
Scipio exhaled sharply, dusting himself off. "Dai." He walked out of the cell after making sure there were no guards around, gesturing for Bridge to follow.
Bridge blinked and stood, even if it was rather shakily, following Scipio out.
Scipio walked nearly silently along the wall, searching for the break room. By now he really just wanted to prove a point and have some fun.
It felt…strange to be outside the cell after spending so long inside of it. Bridge looked around, curious but still wary as to what might be outside.
He found it, and it was miraculously empty. He pushed open the unlocked door and walked inside, laying down on the couch.
Bridge took a hesitant step inside, eventually deciding it was best to stay closest to Scipio here. He walked forward and sat down next to him.
"And now, we let them panic for a while and think I've actually gotten loose." Scipio grinned, laying his hands on his stomach.
"You don't think they'll look in here?" Bridge asked nervously, leaning a little closer to him.
"Course not. They'll run for the exits. Almost any escapee would dash straight to freedom. I'm just here to mess with them, though. It'll be a while till they check here."
"Oh." He paused, relaxing just a slight bit. "Okay."
"So, go ahead and relax or sit down. It'll be a long time before we'll touch real furniture in a while." Scipio heard alarms and looked up. "Oh look, they've noticed."
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