"I'm not actually capable of feeling guilt, so I'm sure that's the main reason."
"I'm not actually capable of feeling guilt, so I'm sure that's the main reason."
“What…what are some other reasons?”
Scipio shrugged. "Dunno. I'm sure if I wasn't a psychopath I would experience some guilt about it."
“Oh.” Bridge sat up, his back against the wall. “Okay.”
"I wonder if the guards have a tv like, in their break room or something."
"Just wondering." Scipio was quiet for a moment. "Maybe we could break in without them knowing. Show them who's really in charge around here."
"Without them knowing?" He looked to Scipio. "How?"
"Knock Dave out and just walk in. They'll bring us back, of course, but we couldn't let them feel safe forever."
"Are…are you going to do that?" Bridge asked.
"Eh, maybe… if I get bored enough or Dave shows his stupid face."
It didn't sound unlikely. "I hate him."
"Same. I probably hate him more, though." Scipio tapped his fingers to some rhythm.
Bridge nodded, crossing his legs. "Probably."
"The only time I want him to show up is when I want to beat him up." Scipio watched the door intently, still tapping his fingers.
"Do you want…to beat him up?" He asked.
"Kinda, yeah. It's a slow day. I need something to entertain me."
"Oh." Bridge paused. "Do you know if he'll come?"
Scipio shrugged. "Never know for sure. He keeps his schedule erratic to bother me. He stops by often enough, though."
"Do…do you think he'll come today?" He asked, pulling his knees up to his chest.
"Probably? If he wants to try and hurt me again. He likes that." Scipio nodded his head a bit to the same beat as his fingers.
"Okay." He nodded, then glanced to Scipio's fingers. "Is there a song?"
"Just an old folk song. I doubt you know it. Irish." Scipio hummed softly. "Keeps me occupied."
"Oh." He blinked. "I…I don't think I would."
"I believe it's a love song, although many Irish folk songs are. Folk songs in general, actually."
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