forum The Hero and The Villain (Closed)
Started by @Max_Miracle_DroppedMostOfTheirRPs

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“It’s hard to say….could be a day or could be a week. We’ll be able to keep her safe until then. But for now we have to get out of here.”
“I’ll carry her.” Veronica offered, gently picking her up.


“Veronica you sure you can carry her?”
“Yeah yeah I’m fine.”
“Jonah does it sound like there’s anyone nearby?” He asked.
“I don’t think so”

((Anything specific? And do you want it to be like right now?


((We’ll definitely do that at some point. Don’t know how I’d have that logically make sense right now though

He nodded. “Everyone be careful. We’re on their home territory here.” He still felt uneasy. He was pushing his luck so much in this situation, it was bound to have some consequences.


(Yeah, you're right… I dunno what else then…)

Kyle made sure to be ready to use his powers at any point if he was required too. He needed to see Caleb to calm himself down when they were out…


((Reet Guess we’ll suffer.

“Oh Jonah I almost forgot.” Dark handed him a pendant.
“You found it!” Jonah exclaimed. “Auntie May would be upset if we lost another one”
“Yeah and she’d totally take it out on me.” Dark chuckled and ruffled the kid’s hair. Honestly it wasn’t hard to see Dark as a parent. “Okay you stick close to V, got it?” He turned in Kyle’s direction “we’re headed out this way” he pointed at a wall. “Once we get out you’re free to go.”


“Well then” he turned towards the wall. “Time to blow this thing up.” He places his hands on the wall, darkness spreading from his fingers throughout the wall. “That should be good….” and then he simply kicked it down.


He laughed before stopping, turning back to Jonah. “You sure there’s no one nearby right?”
“Wait there might be-“ He was interrupted by a sudden flash of light, a web of electricity pinning Dark to the wall.
“You really were gonna leave without saying goodbye? How rude!” It was Electrica.


Kyle snapped his head in her direction and rolled his eyes. Electrica was really starting to get on his nerves, "You again? You have a way of ruining everything for me recently."


She sighed “that’s unfortunately my job so sorry not sorry.”
Dark shot a web of darkness at her while he freed himself. “That’s payback”
“You really wanna fight then, Dark?” She asked as she reflected most of the hit
“What’s this, round 100?”
“I think it’s like 102 actually”
“No matter, you know I can’t let you take the kid so this isn’t what we have to do.” She truly did seem just annoyed by all of this.
“The offer is still out there you know” Veronica spoke up “You don’t have to do this babe”
Electrica smiled sadly “that’s nice sweetheart but I’ll always follow the law. And you happen to be on the wrong side of it”


“Aw thank you!” Dark said “but be careful, she’ll just launch on her whole rant again.”
“What can I say, I’m into politics” Electrica shrugged. This is how their fights usually went, no one actually wanted to fight that much.