(sorry, my sleep deprived ass took a nap, see you tomorrow! ^^)
"Of course! Thank-you so much for the help and the map, we greatly appreciate it." She smiled, giving the man a two fingered salute.
(sorry, my sleep deprived ass took a nap, see you tomorrow! ^^)
"Of course! Thank-you so much for the help and the map, we greatly appreciate it." She smiled, giving the man a two fingered salute.
(no worries! Naps are good XD)
"Anytime," Torres replied, getting the door for them. "Have fun at the market, and be careful to watch the weather!"
Mike put the red book in his backpack, heading back to the road towards the center of the village. "Is it just me being paranoid, or was there something weird about that guy? Just like everybody else around here?"
(Sorrry, I've spent the morning working on assignments and test revision, oooft)
Tanrial looked back over her shoulder, then around the area and shrugged, "No, something's off. And the weather… something's wrong with the weather. I don't know what, but it is…"
(ooof I have to go to bed soon T.T Hope your school stuff is going well!)
"No kidding. I thought for sure the rain was gonna last all day, but…it's just gone." Mike shook his head. "Let's just find Bernon, do our shopping, and get the heck out of here."
(insert wheezing It's week three, four… three? I don't even know and I'm StReSsEd. I need cake or something…)
"Agreed. This place is giving me the creeps." She shuddered dramatically. Luckily the walk back to the town center wasn't long and they were back there soon enough. She pushed the door to the building slowly, holding it open for Mike.
(Aww that's no good! Hey I don't know if you have any on hand, but I want to highly recommend chamomile tea to help relax? I took some while I was sick right before bed and slept like a baby even though I normally have horrible fever dreams. Just a tip, I hope you find something that helps you feel better! Stress sucks… hugs)
Bernon waved from Florie's desk. "Hi guys. I'm just finishing up here. Any luck?"
(hugs back Thanks for the suggestion :) Maybe I should go back to yoga… or just… I don't even know anymore bitch I need… a pillow fort or something… sigh)
"Yeah, we got a pretty good map, we did some good bargaining to earn it, too," She sighed, "How about you? Everything go okay while we were gone?"
(lol my mom's always saying how great yoga is, I'm just to stubborn to try it ^^; tbh a pillow fort sounds like the best thing right now)
"Yup! These guys now have a bullet-making recipe in their archives." Bernon smiled proudly. "I also got us a new cooking set in return, but there's still plenty of supplies to pick up at the market."
"Let's go do that, then," Mike said, hovering by the door. "We need to get home at a reasonable time."
Bernon nodded and went over to join them. "Sounds good. Bye Florie, and good luck with your cattle!"
"Thanks," Florie called back. "Safe travels, you three, and come again!"
(Boi it's actually really good. Well, the one I went to is anyway. I need a pajama party and movies. Yes, great plan. I love it, I'm so smart)
Tanrial offered a small wave and maybe a slightly strained smile in return, "Thanks! We will. See you."
(maybe I should check it out someday ^^ And that sounds like a frickin' great plan girl XDD movies ftw)
"Okay," Bernon said as soon as they were outside. "Let's see this map you got. Does it look like it'll do the job?"
(Yes. This is why I am the smartest person in my class. Lmao I need a break from school work I'm going insane)
Tanrial nodded, stopping Mike and going through his bag to find the book before handing it to Bernon, "I think it'll do the job nicely. It even has a spell on it so that some parts can be expanded or something."
(pats gently on the head ad consoles with cookies)
Bernon took one look and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. "This is our new map? How much did it cost?"
"A sketch and half a bottle of truth potion," Mike said, "Roughly twenty-five dollars. Still gonna pester us about the superior craftsmanship of that brochure the lady gave you?"
Bernon barely seemed to hear him, leafing through the atlas with an awed expression. "This is incredible….I've ever see a map this well made. Who is this guy? What was he like?"
(I have to go to bed now T.T Seeya tomorrow! Good luck again with your studies and pillow forts and such!)
(I will! See you tomorrow! If I live that long…)
"Well, we called him Torres. He's a middle aged man with some small magic skills. I admit, there was something… off about him but he was nice so that's a good thing," She shrugged, standing on her toes to peer over his shoulder at the map, "I honestly though it would cost more…"
(You'd better!)
"Okay but listen," Bernon said, digging through his own backpack for his notebook and flipping it open to a certain page. "I did the math one day and figured out that a dollar nowadays is only worth a nickel from back before the world ended. So if that map cost twenty-five of our dollars…." He did some quick math in the corner of the page. "….it would have cost us almost six hundred dollars twenty years ago! Honestly though, I think it's worth it. An atlas of this quality could last us for generations if we treat it right. Aw man, I wish I could have met this guy."
Mike made a vague noise, keeping a close eye on the houses on either side. "Like Tanrial said, there was something weird about him. He acted like he didn't have much to do with the rest of the town, but if I had to guess, I'd say he's even more involved than the village secretary. He had that look to him, like one of those politicians that's happy all the time."
Bernon scoffed. "Oh, you guys are so paranoid. He was polite to you, wasn't he? You know, in some places, that's considered normal behavior. Not everybody wants to rob you. C'mon, let's go see what we can find at the market, I know where it is now."
“Hey, being paranoid can be a good thing!” Tanrial crossed her arms, kicking at a rock on the path, “You know, it can get you out of situations quicker, like a gut feeling kinda thing,” She sighed, “Lead the way Bernon.”
(oof I was at a thing and now I'm off to bed…seeya tomorrow though!)
"Trust me," Bernon said as he walked. "Gut feelings are okay, but paranoia will give you nothing but enemies and save you from nothing but friendships. These people are great! They care about their community and are trying to help it grow, that's all. Maybe it looks a little weird in a world built around violence and suffering, but I say good for them."
Mike gave a slight scowl. "Whatever. Honestly, I hope you're right, because it means we won't run into any trouble. But I'm still gonna keep an eye out, just in case."
(Hope that thing went okay!)
"I agree with Mike. Some people can put up a front but actually be the complete opposite!" Tanrial sighed, "But I guess you're right. They have been nice so far," She looked up to the sky with a frown, "I'm still confused about the weather, though. There's something wrong with it and these people just… don't care."
(It did! It was kind of a youth group thing, I guess. I'm glad I went ^^)
Bernon raised an eyebrow and glanced at the half-hearted layer of silvery clouds overhead. "What's wrong with the weather?"
"The rain stopped," Mike said. "And I don't mean it slowly let up over time. As soon as we stepped into the map-maker's house, the rain was gone." He snapped his fingers. "Just like that. I think that guy can control the local weather somehow….he did say he could do magic, and wasn't shy about it either. I think he did it to intimidate us."
Bernon, who had been listening attentively up to this point, now sighed and rolled his eyes slightly. "Well, whatever the reason, at least now we don't have to visit the market in the rain." He turned a corner and led them down a street which was lined with people selling their wares. "Anyway, here's the market. Let's split up and meet back here when we've found everything, okay? If one of us gets kidnapped by a murderous cult, I'll admit that you guys were right."
(I can’t do it anymore! cackles There was a riot at lunch are you flipping kidding me! Also I’m glad the youth group went well!)
Tanrial rolled her eyes, nudging Bernon with her elbow, “Great, thanks for that Bernon, I really am going to be on edge the entire time.”
(A riot at lunch? Jeez, what happened? O.o)
"Heh, you're welcome. See you in a bit." Without hesitation, he turned and walked confidently into the crowd.
Mike watched him go, then sighed. "I guess the faster we do this the better. This place isn't huge, so if one of gets in trouble we could pretty easily call for help. Good luck." He too gave a wave and went off in search of supplies.
(a few students were wrongfully suspended apparently so the year 9/10's went on protest. They're already planning another… T.T)
Tanrial sighed, shaking her head slightly as she, too, headed into the crowd of people, weaving in between the vendors and merchants selling their items.
(wow, sounds intense. I hope things start to calm down soon!)
The market wasn't the best or biggest, but it was respectable. Apparently people came here from smaller villages and homesteads nearby to set up shop, which added diversity to the available goods. There were vegetables, meats, herbs, furs, and other things such as salt, cloth, or scavenged items. There was a stall selling metal tools and jewelry, as well as one dedicated to wooden furniture. Buyers and sellers alike interacted cheerfully, and the market as a whole had a pleasant energy to it.
(I doubt it. There was even more drama today and I'm ready to move)
There seemed to be quite a large group of people round the fresh produce section, people selling various items that looked like they had some chemicals added to them. It was hard to push through the crowd of people surrounding what looked to be blue apples but they weren't that interesting up close. They also seemed to being sold at quite a high price and not worth buying.
(dang….offers restorative chocolates)
A call from nearby drifted over the heads of the crowd. "Fine people of Den Ys! Would you like to live the way your ancestors did before the Unspeakable Catastrophe? Upgrade your home with one of my fine, functional relics, rescued from the mires of the river and restored to their former glory! All for an affordable ten cents each."
The voice belonged to a lanky teenage boy sitting in the stall to the right. He was surrounded by a number of strange objects, all polished or painted in bright colors. There was a vacuum cleaner with its large and carefully cleaned dustbin still attached–although the cord was gone. Next to it sat a bulky metal clothes dryer, which had been painted yellow with little flowers here and there. A hand crank had been attached to the door somehow, and that part looked much newer than the rest. Similarly, all the items in the stall were altered somewhat, although so carefully that it was hard to tell at times.
The boy waved at Tanrial and doffed his threadbare baseball cap with a grin that was missing a couple teeth. "You look like a lady of the world, miss. Care to take a gander at my wares and see if any interest you?"
Tanrial internally cringed slightly as one, being called out, and two, at the so called relics the boy was showing. Yet she walked over to be polite, offering the boy a small, smile as she did so, "Hey there. Nice relics you got here."
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