@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group
"Wait, what? What about the map-maker?"
"Not until we're out of town," Mike said in a low voice. "And deep in the woods headed for the lake. Tanrial, is anyone following us?"
"Wait, what? What about the map-maker?"
"Not until we're out of town," Mike said in a low voice. "And deep in the woods headed for the lake. Tanrial, is anyone following us?"
(I have to go out somewhere tonight, so I'll probably seeya tomorrow ^^)
(Okay, have fun and my friend say hey. See you tomorrow ^^)
Glancing around, Tanrial noticed two men who seemed to be doing a very bad job at trailing them. They weren’t even trying to be inconspicuous, “Yeah, two guys, maybe a little bigger then you.”
(Hi to your friend(s)! ^^)
Mike gave a little laugh that didn't indicate he was very impressed. "Keep going. They could just be travelers like us. Once we get up the hill and around the corner, let's duck off the path and hide until the pass. We might find out what they're up to that way."
"What they're up to, is probably following us. They were probably hired by Torres or Baldwin or whatever the hell his name is. Dark suspicious clothing, daggers, actually they remind me a lot of you Mike but like… the creepier versions…"
"All the more reason to shake them so we can get the jump on them instead of the other way around." Mike led them up the path into the trees, walking briskly enough that they soon had enough distance from their followers to be out of sight. "There, that thicket looks like enough cover. Let's hide there and see what this is all about."
(I guess we should probably discuss these henchmen dudes and figure out exactly what they're gonna do. Idk if you had a plan for them? I can see where Torres might ask them to follow Tanrial to give her a dire warning or maybe some kind of message from Torres himself? Or perhaps a fight to test their skill and resolve. Just throwing out ideas here, if you had something in mind already that's totally fine XD)
(Just checking in to see if you're doing okay? I haven't heard from you in a little while (no pressure though of course))
(Sorry, had a busy couple days and will be busy the rest of the weekend, ooft, who knew I had a social life, not me. To answer your previous question about the story line, we could tie the whole thing in with Ryker somehow? Like, maybe Torres used to work for him or something and knows his plans and gives them a warning?)
(No sweat, glad it's not bad news or anything ^^ And that could work! I actually had some plans for Torres in the future, so developing his role in the story could be a good idea. I'm not sure if he'll be a good guy or a bad guy though…maybe sort of a chaotic neutral XD I'm actually not supposed to be online rn since today's part of my day-without-internet experiment, but that sounds good to me and I'll be glad to get back into it when we're both ready!)
(chaotic neutral = me in my friend group. Sounds like a good idea. I'll be busy tomorrow so I won't be able to reply but I've got Monday off so I should be able to reply story wise then :))
(Haha nice XDD I'll see you after the weekend then! ^^)
(nervous laughter So uh, sorry, um, school was crazy but I promise I'll be more active, hopefully. Except Thursday as I have a drama excursion…)
"Let's just hope there's a good explanation." Tanrial muttered, quickly climbing into the mess of undergrowth for cover. The men seemed to have gained ground quickly, and they weren't too far off as muffled voice could just be heard.
(no worries! Take all the time you need ^^)
Bernon just barely managed to quietly tumble into hiding before the strangers rounded the corner. Mike watched them pass with narrowed eyes, listening carefully to see if their discussion would shed light on their intentions.
"Where'd they go?" A dark brown haired man asked, glancing around the trees somewhat nervously.
"For the last time, I dunno. But if we don't find them Torres will 'ave our heads in," The other, a blonde, replied, clearly slightly annoyed by the other, "That whole Ryker business has him in a frenzy recently, I'll be glad when he's finally over it, if he ever is."
(btw is it all right if they have a handwritten message from Torres also? I just had an idea for that >.<)
Mike listened carefully, still unsure what the two men were planning. Bernon glanced at Tanrial. What do we do? Think we should confront them, or try to hide until they're gone?
(Ooft, sure thing)
Tanrial shrugged a shoulder, Maybe wait a little longer. See what else they have to say.
The two men were quiet for a moment before the blonde spoke, “You still have the note, right? Because if you’ve lost it again I’ll-“
“Woah! Calm down, I still have it,” He patted a pocket on his jacket, “I learnt from my previous mistake.”
A note? Brernon tilted his head. Wonder if it's for us…?
Mike tensed up as if he'd come to a decision and glanced at Tanrial, motioning for them to step into the open.
(spud bud… hehe)
Tanrial narrowed her eyes at him then nodded a little, making a move to stand. Once the three were out in the open, the two men finally spotted them.
"Found them!"
"Well aren't you an observant one today…."
(lol XD )
Mike kept his hand free where he could reach his knife, but didn't draw it yet. "I'll get to the point," he said. "What do you guys want with us? I take it Torres sent you?"
(pterodactyl noises)
The blonde guy nodded and took a small step closer, eyeing him carefully, "He did. He has a message for you three."
The other pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket, out stretching his hand for them to take it.
"A message?" Bernon took the note with a frown. "Is that really all? We were….kind of expecting you guys to attack us or something."
"He didn't mean to sound so disappointed when he said that," Mike added drily. "We’re totally fine with it if you don't want to fight."
"Fight? No, no we don't want to fight, I've done enough of that already," The blonde shrugged, "We just wanted to deliver that note to you guys."
"Okay….." Mike glanced at the others. "If that's all, I guess we'll be on our way now. Bernon, you can read the note once we're on our way a bit." He nodded at the two men. "Thanks, I guess."
(School open night = the day where you’re allowed to sit on senior floor with Lots of Easter eggs…)
“No problem!” The brown gave them a two fingered a salute before turning away.
“You’re welcome, but please be safe. Or, even safer then you’re already being. These woods are no longer safe for anybody to be traveling through.” The blonde sighed and then followed his companion.
(Wow, sounds….fun??)
"No kidding," Mike muttered under his breath, watching them go with a furrowed brow.
Bernon nudged him and turned to head the other way. "Come on, let's just go. I'll read the note aloud while we walk."
Mike nodded and they started up the path. Bernon studied the note for a minute, then started to read.
To Tanrial Yngreen and Company,
I understand you may be confused by your experiences this afternoon, so I shall attempt to explain with suitable clarity and brevity. Den Ys is a lovely little town with a bright future, and is something of a hobby of mine as well. You may have gathered that the map-maker and the mayor of Den Ys are one-and-the-same. The villagers, however, are not aware of this. (I'll admit I don't have a legitimate reason to keep up this charade at the moment, but it is entertaining.)
Now, as part of my efforts to create a reliable industry for Den Ys, I forged a trade alliance with my neighbor, Mr. Maxwell Ryker. It is a bit unfortunate that your group shut him down, but at the same time….well, he was not the most savory character, was he? Perhaps his absence will encourage more people to settle here in the long run.
On that note, I would like to warn you: Mr. Ryker is not a man who gives up easily. Currently I am trying to monitor his movements, and my guess is that he will attempt to get revenge on you at some point. To finish up this message, I'd like to say that I'm aware of your planned journey to the coast and have taken an interest–I would like to help you. If you are ever in dire need of someone's help, show them the seal at the end of this letter and they will provide assistance. All I ask in return is that you find Mr. Roger Bartal once you reach the West Coast. He's a good friend of mine (and may have forgotten that he owes me a fair amount of money, so please remind him). He'll help you if he can.
Best regards,
Zachary Torres
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