"Maybe there's like a cave or something round here," Tanrial shrugged a shoulder, looking up at the sky with Bernon, a frown slowly forming, "If it gets bad we can hide in there if we need to."
"Maybe there's like a cave or something round here," Tanrial shrugged a shoulder, looking up at the sky with Bernon, a frown slowly forming, "If it gets bad we can hide in there if we need to."
"The terrain here does seem pretty rocky," Mike agreed. "So there's a chance we could find a cave if necessary. But the main danger with that is it might be already occupied."
Bernon nodded. "That's true, but we might be able to share with them for a while." Ignoring Mike's quiet snort, he continued. "Either way, we need to find high ground if it starts to rain, right? Landslides seem like a pretty major risk around here."
"That's true. And I'd rather have us stand on top of a massive hill getting drenched from the rain then buried under mounds of dirt."
"Yeah. For now, though, let's just try to get to the other village as fast as possible." Mike picked up the pace a little, careful not to slip on the steep path. "We may be able to wait out the storm there, if we're quick."
(Not gonna be active tomorrow, got the Jetty Classic all day)
"I'm sure there's some pub or something along those lines that we could stay in for a couple hours until the storm passes." Tanrial grabbed onto a tree branch to help her down a steep bit of path.
(Sounds cool ^^ Hope you have fun!)
They followed the path down into the valley where it merged with a larger path and ran parallel to the slopes. They walked unhindered for most of the journey, and the storm seemed to be holding off for the moment. Around noon, Bernon broke the silence. "Does anybody remember when their birthday is?"
Mike blinked. "Where'd that come from?"
"I was just thinking about how long it's been since I had a birthday celebration. I think it's April twenty….first or second for me. Somewhere along the line I got it confused and now I can never remember."
Mike frowned. "That's….a good question. Mine's in December, I know that, but I have no idea when. What about you, Tanrial?"
(Scratch that, I will be active for a few hours later today)
Tanrial shrugged, thinking hard for a few moments, "I… honestly don't remember. I stopped celebrating it years ago because it reminded me of how old I am. And it's not that important anyway."
(Oof, sorry I missed ya, I was napping most of the evening yesterday)
"I guess that's fair," Bernon said. "Hey, maybe we could all celebrate at the same time someday! Like a three-way birthday!"
Mike glanced back at him. "What would we even do?"
"Well, you know, the usual stuff? Give each other presents, and–"
"We couldn't do much of that since we have to travel light. Unless you like commemorative birthday matches or something."
Bernon wilted slightly. "Well, then, we could at least have cake!"
"How are we supposed to make cake out here?"
"It's possible! I made a map once that shows every spot in the country where the ingredients for cake are reliably found!"
Mike gave him a look. "A cake map? That's…..kinda sad, Bernon, not gonna lie."
Bernon huffed. "It could be useful, you never know," he muttered. "Anyway, it was just an idea."
(Lol, I wish I was able to do that yesterday)
"Well, I think it's a great idea. And I agree, a cake map could be useful, like for our situation," Tanrial crossed her arms and smiled at Bernon, "We should do it. At some point we should have a three-way birthday celebration."
Bernon straightened, looking pleasantly surprise. "Yeah! See, Mike? I knew Tanrial would agree with me."
Mike sighed. "Fine. If you can think of a celebration that doesn't involve any of the usual birthday stuff, I'm down."
"We will," Bernon said cheerfully. "I've got no doubt of that."
“I haven’t planned a party in ages,” Tanrial admitted, “Haven’t been to one in a while too. Then again, parties were more like festivals back home.”
"We can have a nice cozy little party," Bernon said, already busily planning every detail in his head. "We can fry sausages, and eat cake, and sing campfire songs–"
Just then there was another roll of thunder, this one much louder. Bernon closed his mouth abruptly. "On second thought, maybe we should focus on getting to this village first."
"It shouldn't be too far away, right? We should be able to make it before the rain hits if we hurry." Though she frowned up at the sky and didn't quite believe they would.
"I'm seeing some chopped trees and cleared brush up ahead," Mike said. "So I think we're almost there. I was talking to Ozrig the other day and he said there should be a sign on the road for Den Ys. That's the name of the town."
"Huh? Strange name? Who even names towns? Do like, a group of people just come together with ideas and they vote on the best one or something?"
"No idea. Maybe you should ask them when we get there. It is kind of a weird name….doesn't even sound English."
Bernon took a drink of water before he spoke. "We're not too far from the coast here, I'm sure there's plenty of other spoken languages in this area. Den Ys…..doesn't quite sound Spanish…..maybe Welsh? I don't know much about that culture. Um….I guess there's still some influences from the ancient tribes that used to live here waaaay back, before colonizers even came to America. Maybe the name means something in one of their languages."
Mike led them out into a clearing and pointed. "I think we'll find out soon enough. There's the village."
Slightly below them in the clearing was a cluster of wooden buildings, all either lined up along the road or crowding close to the narrow river running nearby. The whole place seemed to be constructed around a larger, square building with a flat roof and cracked concrete all around it. From this distance, it was possible to see the ruins of an older, larger town underneath the new one, but most of it had been completely leveled by some catastrophe long ago. People made their was around the town or worked in small gardens close by, seemingly oblivious to the threat of rain.
(You’d think by now, the school should get it’s crap together and give my materials class a proper teacher… but nope, still reliefs)
“Do you think they’ll continue working in the rain? I mean, I guess they might need to get the work finished and stuff but it would suck to come home drenched.”
(aww…..what's materials class btw? I don't think I've ever heard of that one?)
Mike started down the hill. "I'm not sure, but I hope the market at least stays open. Otherwise we kinda came here for nothing. Let's go find somebody to talk to and ask where the map-maker lives."
(It’s woodworking and metal working. One of my electives for this year)
They headed down the hill with only a couple slips on the way, and it didn’t take long before the old cobbled pathway took over their dirt path. A light drizzle of rain had started, just preparing itself for the soon to be heavy down pour. There were a few vendors open along the way to the market, unfazed by the oncoming storm.
(Oooh, really? That's so cool, I'd love to take a class like that! Too bad about your teacher though :/ )
One of the vendors, an old woman in a weird patched pink dress, saw them approach and waved eagerly. "Hello, travelers! Welcome to our fine village of Den Ys! Can I be of any help to you? would you like an informational brochure?"
(Yeah, it kinda sucks. Aren’t you homeschool or am I making that up?)
Tanrial looked over and offered a small smile, “Uh, yeah. Um, we’re looking for a map maker. Do you know where that is?”
(That is correct ^^ I guess I could probably find me a class somewhere if I really wanted, never thought of that lol XD)
"The map-maker? Oh, you mean good old Torres, don't you? He lives just up the–well, here." She rummaged around in her cart and pulled out a folded piece of cloth. Proudly, she spread it out to show a carefully painted street map of the village, with labels for everything and even some carefully printed paragraphs describing local attractions. "Here, just buy one of my maps for six iron or equivalent currency, and that'll tell you all you need to know!"
Bernon leaned closer to inspect the map. "You make these? By hand?"
"Sure do, sonny! Every last one!" She beamed. "Den Ys is a historical landmark, you know. It needs publicity!"
(Damn, lucky! Be glad you don’t have to spend six hours a day with a bunch of idiots XD)
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this place before, but I’ll be sure to come back soon. So, are we gonna buy one of these guys?”
(haha yeah I agree XD)
Bernon dug in his pocket and pulled out some change. "How much is that in actual money? Like twenty-five cents?"
The old woman pouted. "Not so fast, kiddo. Do you have any idea how long it takes to make these?"
"Fair point. Fifty?"
"Much better." She accepted the coins and handed him the "brochure" with a sweet smile. "I highly recommend you get a tour from my son and have a look around! The story of this place is fascinating, I know you'll love it! Have fun, then!"
(gtg, back in a bit)
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