(Okay, but I might not be on as I have a friends coming over)
Tanrial shrugged and pulled out the last couple bottles, "Healing is probably the main ones we should be worried about the others are just extras."
(Okay, but I might not be on as I have a friends coming over)
Tanrial shrugged and pulled out the last couple bottles, "Healing is probably the main ones we should be worried about the others are just extras."
(That's okay, I hope you have a good time ^^)
"You're the expert. Is there anything else we already have?"
"Uh…" She reached into her bag again and pulled out a couple more, "Night vision and a truth… thingy."
Bernon raised his eyebrows. "Truth? Like a truth serum? Now that sounds useful. Have you ever had to use it before?"
Tanrial shook her head, "Nope. I just put it in case we needed to use it."
"Cool. I mean, to be honest, I hope we don't have to use it–truth serums kinda freak me out. But, it'll be good to have for emergencies." Brandon pulled out his list. "Okay, so, I'm thinking it might be smart to have more than we need of that healing potion. Do you think you could find the ingredients to make more at the market? Or does it need something special to work?"
(Ehe, Brandon…)
"I'm sure we can find everything at the market," Tanrial rubbed at her chin, "There's nothing that's in it that can't be fond there or grown naturally that we couldn't find."
(oh shoot how did I do that XD T.T)
"Cool. Let's plan on that then." Bernon sat back and put away his list, glancing at the dark window. "Well, shall we have some supper? I think that's all the planning we can do for now."
(lol, idk but it made me laugh)
"Sounds like a great idea," She smiled and began to pack up her things, "When do you think Mike will come back?"
(Good to hear XDD btw sorry I've been on and off so much today, it was a busy one ^^; )
"I'm not sure….soon, I hope. I'm not waiting up 'till midnight for him." Bernon got up. "What do you want? I'll go talk to the bartender right quick."
(All g fam. Also, I go back to school in three days cries so I'll be all over the place for a while)
Tanrial shrugged, "Just a stew or something along those lines, thanks."
(awww, rip! no worries friendo ^^)
"Gotcha, be right back."
While he was at the counter, the door opened and Mike came in. He looked tired, but in a decent mood. When he saw Tanrial, he headed over to her table. "Hey, how's it going?"
"Fine. Bernon and I were just talking about ingredients for potions we might need," She crossed her arms, "Where'd you go?"
(I gotta go t bed, seeya ^^)
Mike sat down and sighed. "I've been asking around for caravans and other traveling groups we could hitch a ride with. I didn't have much luck. Ozric said there should be one coming by in a couple days, but he didn't speak too highly of it, said it has a bad reputation. I guess we'll have to wait and see, maybe find a group after we set out." He caught her look and paused. "What is it?"
(Seeya ^^)
Tanrial frowned a little, "Nothing. It can wait until Bernon comes back."
Mike looked at her and raised an eyebrow, but didn't press for details, just got back up to get something to eat from the counter. Bernon turned around as he approached and almost bumped into him. They greeted each other and talked for a second, then Bernon came back over to Tanrial and gave her one of the bowls of stew.
"How's he seem?" he asked quietly, nodding in Mike's direction.
"Fine I guess. Talkative but then again we were talking about what he was doing today. Thanks for the stew." Tanrial smiled a little before taking a mouthful.
"All right." Bernon started to eat as well. "Let's hope he's in a receptive mood."
Mike returned after a few minutes with his food and sat down, clearly aware that something was up. "What is it, guys? You're acting weird…."
Tanrial sighed, "Remember that talk we had a while ago, about how you need to stop being so cold to everyone all the time? Yeah, well, we need to have that conversation again."
Mike blinked and narrowed his eyes. "Where the heck is this coming from? I thought I was doing pretty good."
"You were. And then suddenly you were snapping at Mariana because, and I quote 'she was too nosy and talkative,'" Tanrial pointed her spoon at him, "She was just curious and if you were trapped in a cell for gods know how long, you'd want to know what was going on too. Plus, when Rick suggested she might fancy you, you got all snappish with him."
"That doesn't make you look very good, bro," Bernon added. "I admit I wasn't there, so I've had to take Tanrial's word on this, but honestly, I'm surprised you'd act that way."
Mike sat back, his expression hardening. "So that's what this is about. I think you're both exaggerating my behavior. I didn't snap at her, and even if I did then it's not my fault she decided to get her feelings hurt. Rick didn't have to interfere either, that just continued to blow a minor event way out of proportion."
"Yes, you did snap at her and it's not her fault. She was asking you valid questions and you just blew her off. All Rick did was make a comment. You didn't have to get mad at him for it."
"I didn't get mad," Mike growled, curling his hands into fists.
Bernon held up his hands and spoke sternly. "Guys, let's cool down a little. We're not trying to attack you, Mike. Please just listen. It's clear that you may not have thought your words and actions were rude or harsh, but clearly other people took them that way. Can we at least acknowledge that? I don't think there was any long-term harm done, so all we're doing right now is reminding you of your promise, as your friends."
Mike eyed him, still a bit angry. "Well how am I supposed to know what other people are gonna be upset by? Am I supposed to tiptoe around everybody now?"
"We never said or implied you have to 'tiptoe around everybody.' You just have to be more mindful about what you say and take into consideration how other people might react. And if you accidentally make someone upset you need to apologise afterwards." Tanrial crossed her arms.
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